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Fiat G.91 Artwork

by Arne Badent

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Hereis a Fiat G.91 (called "Gina" by its crews), used by the Luftwaffe as a Jagdbomber (Jabo) and Target-Tower for Anti-Aircraft-Gunner-Training. Later the FIATs were replaced by the Alpha Jet in the Jabo-role.

These jets were heavily used for Target-Simulation for the AA-Tank GEPARD etc. in Northern Germany near a little village named Todendorf, where all the AA-Live-Fire-Training took place.

Behind the jet is the target, which was let out about 2 km behind the FIAT and live fired at by the AA-crews...

The Flugdienst CONDOR was a kind of service for the Luftwaffe, which flew all these target-simulation-missions...

Image and Text Copyright © 2011 by Arne Badent
Page Created 9 September, 2011
Last Updated 9 September, 2011

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