Fi 103 A-1 (V-1) & JB-2 Loon

Owl Resin, 1/144 scale
Summary: |
Catalogue Number: |
Lowl Resin Item Nos. OWLR44006 (Fi 103) & OWLR44007 (JB-2 Loon) |
Scale: |
1/144 |
Contents & Media: |
Both kits have 7 x cream resin cruise-missile parts & 11 x transport trolley parts, 1 x Photo-Etch (PE) fret of detail parts, decals provide stencilling for the F-103 and national insignia plus stencilling for the JB-2. |
Price: |
Available online from Eshop.Owl for K?195.00, Hannants for £10.20 and Modelimex for €8.60. (Click here for currency conversion) |
Review Type: |
First Look |
Advantages: |
High quality and very well detailed for the scale. |
Disadvantages: |
None apparent. |
Conclusions: |
Excellent quality kits for modellers with good eyesight |
by Mark Davies

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The Luftwaffe’s Fi-103 that had many names: V-1 for Vergeltungswaffe 1 meaning Reprisal Weapon 1, Buzz-bomb, Doodlebug and Loon. It really needs no introduction, and is generally acknowledged as the world’s first cruise missile. It certainly had potential as a strategic bombardment weapon; and by comparison to the German Army’s A-4 or V-2 ballistic missile, it was a much more economical method of achieving revenge on Britain for its night bombing of Germany.
As things turned out theV-1 offensive came too late to achieve the level success envisioned by Nazi Germany. By the time the V-1 offensive started faster British fighters, proximity fuses in AA shells, barrage balloons all took their toll. British counter-intelligence made turned German spies misreport the location of hits also limited the V-1’s effectiveness by causing the Germans to unknowingly adjust their targeting to less important areas. The bombing of launching sites in the Pas De Calais region further impacted the campaign, as did of course the Allied invasion of Europe which led to the V-1 launch-sites to being over-run. Nonetheless, all these things were of small comfort to those who were hit by a considerable number that did get through (my mother’s school was demolished by one). The Germans also undertook aircraft launching of V-1’s from He 111 bombers, but these were vulnerable and the missiles even less accurate than the ground launched weapons.

Post war the Allies and Russians were very interested in the V-1 along with other German technologies. The USA produced some V-1’s as the JB-2 Loon. Ironically the British never manufactured a copy, although their Red Rapier cruise missile program was influenced by it.
Owl Decals is probably best known to modellers for their range of decals and detail accessories with a particular emphasis on Luftwaffe night fighter subjects. However I’m sure that fans of 1:144 scale will welcome Owl Resin’s move into kits of unusual subjects like the F1 103/JB-2.
Both kits share the same parts with different instructions and decals as would be expected. The come in a sturdy top-opening box containing a plastic bag with instructions and two more separate plastic bags of resin and PE parts plus decals.
The instructions are very clearly printed in colour with English instructions where required. Painting and markings diagrams use RLM codes for the Fi 103 and FS595B codes for the JB-2.
The kits are a simple but very delicate combination of resin and PE parts. The resin parts are cast by CMR and reflect the high standards that company is well known for. Seven parts provide for the missile’s fuselage, its engine and flying surfaces. The remaining 11 resin pieces form the components of the transport trolley.

The photo-etched fret provides for a choice of two styles of inlet valves for the Argus As 104 pulse-jet, each option needing two parts.

I’ve had a quick flick through four V-1 references, but nothing leapt out at me to explain the reason for these options that the instructions simply describe as alternate assemblies. I can only conclude that Owl has done their homework and leave others to do the same. Finally, the PE set also has the two handles for the trolley.
Three schemes are detailed in the paintings & markings guide for each kit.
Decals seem comprehensive in terms of their minute stencilling, and look to be very well printed.
These are superbly executed kits with very high levels of detail for the scale. The parts count makes them theoretically a simple build, but the small size of some parts would stop me from recommending them as a first resin kit. This said, they are very good, and should be straightforward to assemble for those who are happy with the tiny parts this scale demands.
Thanks to Owl Resin for these review samples.
Text Copyright © 2010 by Mark Davies
This Page Created on 3 June, 2010
Last updated
3 June, 2010
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