Hasegawa's 1/48 scale
Henschel Hs 129 B-3
by Greg Goheen
Henschel Hs 129 B-3 |
Trumpeter's 1/72 scale Wellington GR.XIV is available online from Squadron.com
Inspired by Ian Robertson’s Hs 129 B-2 of SG9 with its unique winter scheme I was lucky enough to find the rare 1/48 scale Hasegawa Hs 129 B-3 (#09583) kit a few months ago. The kit features another interesting scheme used by SG9, as well as a resin cannon pod, resin gunsight, turned brass cannon barrel and pewter/white metal mantel.
This model was build entirely out of the box with the only addition being seatbelts made from scratch. The fit of this kit is exceptional with only minimal filler needed to blend the seams. The standard splinter scheme of RLM 70/71 was painted on the upper surfaces with RLM 65 below using Gunze/GSI Creos Mr. Color paints. The scheme was taking from the painting instructions and Testor's Model Master Flat White enamel was freehand painted over the splinter scheme using my Iwata CM-B Custom Micron® airbrush. The paint was heavily thinned with lacquer thinner and pressure set to approximately 8psi with the airbrush nearly touching the surface to lay in the distemper white effect.
The nose and underside wingtips were masked and painted Model Master RLM 04 enamel and when dried the topside of the nose was masked and painted Model Master Flat Black enamel.
Exhausts were painted using a blend of Alclad II lacquers including Copper and Duraluminum before exhaust stains were laid in and spread across the top of the wings. Future was airbrushed over the entire surface to apply decals, which were set in place using Walthers Solvaset.
Finally, the aircraft received several light coats of MM clear flat lacquer to seal this build.
Models, Description and Images Copyright © 2010 by Greg Goheen
Page Created 5 May, 2010
Last Updated
6 May, 2010
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