Wings 48 1/48 scale
Yokosuka E14Y Glen
by Bill Cronk
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I started this project for two I wanted to build a vacuform kit and two I always wanted a 1/48 scale Glen. I put this model off for a while because of the shortage of accurate research info and pictures. When I received some great pics of the cockpit and external workings I decided to jump right into it.
The 1/48 scale Wings 48 model is not completely accurate but I tried to do my best with the info I had at the time.
Since the completion of this project I learned some details I wish I had known when constructing the model eg. the frame work inside the cockpit is black.
The actual vac kit fits surprisingly well and the floats went together without a hitch. The canopy took some extra care, I used thin cut pieces of auto pin striping tape for the frame. I would really like to build another Glen in the early config. and paint it silver.
I started with interior. There is always lots of measuring,dry fitting and squaring up that goes on constantly with scratch building a cockpit and this one was by no means easy especially going into a vac kit being built by a rookie.

I built the cockpit out of evergreen plastic and molded the seats from .10 plastic. The instruments used are Mike Grants 1/48 decals. Looking back, I would use a smaller dia. frame work inside the cockpit, it seemed to grow out of scale when painted. You can't see much of the frame after you get all stuff inside anyway so that worked out OK.

I scratch built the flaps/ailerons. When I glued the flaps in place and let them dry over night gravity pulled them down from 20 deg. to full setting of 70 deg. I built a completely new horizontal tail section and I used Cooper Struts on the floats. I think the hardest thing to build was the engine cowling with those dreaded bumps, 18 of them spaced out just right.
I painted the model with Tamiya IJN green toned down with some white. All the markings are hand painted except the wing warnings, they are from a 1/72 Ki-100. I made a scale base of a 48 scale submarine deck out of wood covered in evergreen plastic and stirring strips for the wood planking and weatherd with oils/drybrushing.

The catapult is not 100% correct. I didn't have time to drill about a million holes and am still unsure if this cat was steam/piston or powder charge activated? The float alignment was achieved with a makeshift jig and endless measuring. Due to the frailness of the float rudders they will added later. The pilot is a Monogram thorax with many modifications. I have never built or painted a figure before but I wanted something different to catch the eye, not just a plane sitting all by itself unattended. I wish there were more 1/48 scale pilot kits so we could cut and bend them into shape and use them where we needed them.
Most of the construction is basic modeling skills so don't be afraid to get started on this kit, I think you will enjoy it. I am happy with the final results esp. being my 1st vac. I hope you like it. Special thanks to Arawasi, Eric and James!
Image and Text Copyright ©
2010 by Bill Cronk
Page Created 23 February, 2010
Last Updated
23 February, 2010
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