Reviewed by Brett Green

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Wolfpack-design has released two accessories for Academy's new 1/48 scale F-22A Raptor kit.
WPD48050 - F-22A Raptor Cockpit Set
The first release is a complete replacement cockpit. This is particularly welcome, as the kit cockpit is noticeably lacking in detail.
Wolfpack's replacement delivers a wealth of detail to this prominent area. The cockpit tub is particularly impressive. It is presented as a single piece with plenty of authentic details, including raised switches, hoses and structural features all cast in place. The instrument coaming and panel are cast as another piece, with smaller details delivered on thin resin strips. Cleanup should be quite straightforward, but make sure you check the clearance between the bottom of the resin cockpit and the fuselage early on.
The seat and canopy frame are also replaced by Wolfpack's excellent resin parts.
Wolfpack's replacement cockpit represents a massive improvement compared to Academy's kit part, and will be highly visible under the Raptor's big bubble canopy.
WPD48052 - F-22A Raptor Nozzle Set
Wolfpack has produced an innovative multimedia Nozzle Replacement set that will deliver a finish virtually impossible to reproduce by the modeller using paint.
Four resin nozzle petals are provided, along with a self-adhesive sheet of textured and printed metallic exhaust surfaces.

First, the resin parts have their casting blocks removed. Now, the areas to recieve the metal transfers should receive a coat of metal primer. Next, the self-adhesive parts are removed from their backing sheet. The instructions suggest that the parts for the petals should be bent to conform to the curves of the resin before they are applied. They also advise to add a few spots of super glue to ensure a permanent bond.

This is a very clever and innovative upgrade that will make a big difference to the prominent thrust vectoring exhaust nozzles of Academy's 1/48 scale F-22A Raptor.
Thanks to Wolfpack-design for
the review sample
Wolfpack-design's products are available online from their website
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2009 by Brett Green
Page Created 24 March, 2009
Last updated
24 March, 2009
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