Quickboost continues its prolific release schedule with a number of recent
releases in 1/48 scale.
All the sets are perfectly cast in grey resin with
minimal cleanup required. Consistent with Quickboost's philosophy to
date, each set has been designed with a minimum of
parts, and should be straightforward to assemble
Most are self-explanatory but I have added some notes as appropriate:
QB 48 231 - K-36 Cap. Czech Built Fi 156 Cowling for Tamiya

This is a simple but effective way to convert your Tamiya Storch to a unique version - the Czech-built K-36 Cap. Just three parts are required to transform the nose of your Luftwaffe Fi 156 to the Czeh version.
QB 48 232 - Canberra B(I)8 Gun Barrels for Airfix

QB 48 233 - MiG-3 Undercarriage Covers for Trumpeter

QB 48 234 - LaGG-3 Series 1-4 Exhausts for Trumpeter

QB 48 235 - F-101 Voodoo Air Scoops

QB 48 236 - Spitfire Mk.22/24 Cowling and Exhaust for Airfix
QB 48 243 - Seafire FR.46/47 Cowling and Exhaust for Airfix
Along with their E.E. Lightnings, Airfix's 1/48 scale late-version Spitfire and Seafire represented a high water mark for that company. They are excellent kits, but the distinctive bumps on the cowling are not quite right.

Quickboost has released replacement cowlings for both kits, along with lovely exhausts with hollowed-out stacks. These are very easy and worthwhile upgrades.

QB 48 237 - MiG-29A Ejection Seat with Harness

QB 48 238 - C-47 Correct Rudder for Trumpeter
Along with the propeller blades, engine cowls and exhausts, the rudder is a a problem in Trumpeter's 1/48 scale C-47 kit. Quickboost's replacement is a vast improvement, with convincing, subtle fabric texture. Well worthwhile for anyone building Trumpeter's Dakota.

QB 48 239 - Junkers Ju 88 FuG 240 "Berlin" Radome for Dragon

QB 48 240 - F-16 Block 5-10 Floating Elevator

QB 48 241 - Messerschmitt Bf 109 E Engine for Tamiya
Tamiya's 1/48 scale Bf 109 E kits are certainly the easiest to build of this landmark variant, and is not bad from an accuracy viewpoint.
Quickboost has released a one-piece engine for this popular kit. The fact that it is a single resin part does not compromise detail, which is excellent. Machine gun barrels are cleverly tucked away behind the engine moulding to avoid damage in transit.

Some cutting of the Tamiya kit is required, so previous modelling experience will be helpful for this one.
A one-piece replacement engine cowling is included too. Structural detail is moulded to the interior - a nice touch.
QB 48 242 - MiG-17F Pitot Tube for Hobby Boss

All Recommended
Thanks to Aires / Quickboost for the review samples
Text and Images Copyright © 2009 by Brett Green
Page Created 18 May, 2009
Last updated
20 May, 2009
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