SK35C Draken Two Seat Conversion

Maestro Models, 1/48 scale
Reviewed by Mick Evans
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Maestro Models has released a 1/48 scale conversion set that allows the modeller to build the two seat trainer version of the SAAB Draken.
The two seat Draken encompasses many of the features of the earlier Draken with details of the shorter intakes, early tail fin tip, and short tail cone. The set is intended for the new Hasegawa J35 Draken kit and requires only fairly simple surgery.
The set contains 14 resin parts, 22 etched metal parts, 2 vacuum formed canopies and a sheet of ALPS printed decals.

The etched metal detail set has been produced by Eduard from the Czech Republic, which includes coloured instrument panels and seat harness. The conversion uses parts from the Hasegawa kit for the front cockpit but receives a new etched metal instrument panel and seat harness. The rear cockpit is supplied in resin and the instructions for installation are quite easy to follow.

The most difficult part of this conversion is the surgery to remove the spine to fit the rear cockpit. The instructions for this are not very detailed and it took me a while to realise that the raised spine fairing behind the canopy is actually provided as part of the vacuum formed canopy. I spent some time placing the canopy against the single seat Draken that I am currently building before I could work out how it worked. Once this was realised then the cutting becomes very simple.

The intakes, tail cone and fin top are simple drop in fitments.
The two seat version has two extra fins supplied as etched metal that are fitted under the outer wings and I think that these are to provide extra stability to compensate for the extra long canopy.
Finally two sheets of Alps decals are provided for aircraft serial numbers and squadron markings.

On first view the conversion looked a bit daunting but after some investigation and trail fitting I realised that this is a very simple conversion. My only criticism relates to the instructions for the cutting and fitting of the canopy.

This is an excellent conversion from Maestro models and only a moderate level of modelling experience should be necessary to install the set.
Thanks to Maestro Models for the review sample
Maestro Models accessories are
available from RebellHobby website
Text Copyright © 2009 by Mick Evans
Images Copyright © 2009 by Brett Green
Page Created 2 July, 2009
Last updated
3 July, 2009
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