Classic Airframes' 1/48 scale
Reggiane Re.2001
by Jose Lucero

Reggiane Re 2001 |

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Classic Airframes Reggiane Re.2001 is the only kit
available of this Italian fighter in 1/48 scale.
It is a limited run multimedia kit
with injected plastic and resin parts. The injected plastic pieces are
very well done with nicely recessed detail. There where some blobs of
excess plastic on some areas that had to be cleaned up, maybe my kit
was one of last produced as the molds clearly show some deterioration.
The resin pieces cover the cockpit, wheel wells, some air intakes and
the turbocharger intake. Red, green and transparent navigation lights
are provided in three small plastic sprues, a great touch.
The cockpit was painted Verde Anticorrosione, the seat was painted
silver with the cushion and harness in brown to depict leather. The
detail provided in the cockpit is adecuate but some more
scratchbuilding was done to add more detail, like wires and fuel
lines. A wash of turpentine and raw umber oil color was applied to add
shadows and contrast. After the painting and weathering was done, the
cockpit was fitted on the fuselage sides after careful dry fitting.

The fit of fuselage sides was not bad, needing only some sanding and
Mr. Surfacer 500 to hide the seam. The wings fitted nicely after the
resin wheel wells where sanded down. Now, the wing to fuselage join
was another story. The fit here was terrible, even after I did a lot
of dry fitting. Lots of Milliput epoxy putty was used on the join on
the top of the wing and the one below. After the seams where taken
care of I rescribed the detail lost on the process. The flaps where
rescribed as depicted on the scale plans in the Ali D'Italia Reggiane
Re.2001 Monograph. Mr.Surface 1000 was used on all the seam works as a
final check before going to the paint shop.
The kit was painted with Testors Model Master Italian Blue gray for
the Grigio Azzurro Oscuro. The topside color was Verde Oliva Scuro # 2
from the Misterkit range. Weathering was done with turpentine wash and
pastel colors. The kit decals worked great.
This is the only game in town for a 1/48 Reggiane Re.2001, but
unfortunatly it's out of production. It's a great build and sits up proudly next my Macchis and FIATs.
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2009 by Jose Lucero
Page Created 23 June, 2009
Last Updated
23 June, 2009
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