ICM's 1/72 scale
by Yufei Mao

J-11A 60th Anniversary Military Parade Scheme |

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The J-11A is the Chinese licensed version of the famous heavy fighter Su-27SK.
This special scheme appeared at People's Republic of China 60th National Day Military Parade with red/yellow stripes and National Flag on front fuselage.
ICM's kit appears to be based on the old Airfix Su-27 kit with cockpit, front upper fuselage, windshield and canopy parts from Hasegawa's Su-27 kit.
The completely original parts include landing gear, wheels, exhaust nozzles, pylons and missiles, which are all well detailed.
The fit is not so nice but after sanding you can have the most accurate Flanker in 1/72 scale, much better than the Hasegawa kit.

I built the ICM kit straight from the box. I only add some rivets on the original kit.
The flag decal was bought from a online home made decal maker in China mainland ,while yellow tactical numbers are from my friend Goo Quan's original resin egg plane J-10Q, which you can find on Ebay.
Colours are all by GSI Mr.Color.
Nosecone is C305+Black(a little),upper fuselage is C306,lower fuselage is C311.
Light area and missile launcher of the pylons are C311+C305=7:3
Metal area is applied with Mr.Color Super Metalic series.
Lighter area is SM04 Super Titanium while darker is SM03 Super Iron.
And finally after washing, a semi-flat finishing coat was applied.
Octobet 1st was the 60th anniversary of our mother land. I hope you will enjoy this special scheme.
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2009 by Yufei Mao
Page Created 27 January, 2009
Last Updated
16 November, 2009
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