Hasegawa's 1/48 scale
Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryu
by Chris Wauchop

Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryu
Special Attack Squadron, 8th Hakkou-Tai, "Kinnou-Tai" |

Hasegawa's 1/48 scale Ki-45 Toryu is available online from Squadron
Here is Hasegawa's 1/48 scale kit number JT 95, representing a Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryu (Nick) attached to a Special Attack Squadron, 8th Hakkou-Tai, "Kinnou-Tai".
This aircraft was flown by 1st Lt. Takumi Yamamoto from Nielsen Air Base in the Philippines.
This was apparently one of nine Kamikaze Nicks that attacked US forces in Leyte Gulf on 7 December, 1944.
This is actually the second Hasegawa Ki-45 that I have built. The first is appearing in the current issue (Issue 161) of Tamiya Model Magazine International. I also built the old 1/48 scale Nichimo kit many years ago.

I built Hasegawa's excellent kit straight from the box but with most of the rear cockpit fittings removed. I assumed that this was probably appropriate as an attempt to minimise the weight of the airframe to allow the maximum possible explosive payload to be carried to the target.
There is a photograph of one of this flight of aircraft on page 87 of "Famous Airplanes of the World No.21 Toryu".
All interior surfaces were painted with a mix of Gunze Sangyo H81 Khaki 90% with Tamiya XF-64 Red Brown 10%.
Exterior surfaces were finished in a mix of Tamiya paints:
XF-3 Yellow 30%
XF-26 Deep Green 50%
XF-64 Red Brown 20%

Weathering comprised a very watery wash of Tamiya X-18 Semi-Gloss Black run into panel lines with a fine brush, and around all the raised details.
A very thin Red Brown / Black mix was then sprayed over and around these details.
The upper surfaces were faded in selected areas by careful application of the internal colour.
Paint chipping was achieved with a very sharp silver pencil (Sanford Prismacolor PC949).

Decals were sourced from Aeromaster's SP48-06A "Special Attack Squadrons".
After the decals had set and some appropriate weathering, several coats of Polly Scale F404106 Flat Clear were applied to finish the job.
As usual, I used my Aztek A470 airbrush to apply the paints to the interior and exterior of my Toryu.
Model and Text Copyright ©
2009 by Chris Wauchop
Images Copyright ©
2009 by Brett Green
Page Created 17 March, 2009
Last Updated
18 March, 2009
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