HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor
Meteor Productions has provided the following information about new decals for B-52s, which are available now:
Here are the first three BUFF decal sets we released.
CED72208 - B-52s No. 1
Markings For FIVE BUFFs:

B-52G-95-BW, 58-0183, Valkyrie, 93 BW, SECRET SQUIRREL aircraft, now on display at the Pima Air Museum
B-52D-35-BW, 56-0672, Snoopy/Night Missions Blogh!!, 99 BW, Andersen AFB, Guam, 1968
B-52D-35-BW, 56-0677, sharkmouth, 43 SW, Andersen AFB, Guam, 1968
B-52H-160-BW, Mud BUFF, 2 BW/96 BS, Barksdale AFB, May 1995
B-52D-60-BO, 55-0103, Snoopy/Happiness Is Home, 99 BW, Andersen AFB, Guam, 1968.
CED72210 - B-52s No. 3
Markings For FIVE BUFFs,

B-52G-75-BW, 57-6471, Tantalizing Takeoff, 97 BW, Eaker AFB, 1991
B-52D-75-BO, Tommy's Tigator, 4925th Test Group (Atomic); ALSO INCLUDING BONUS DECALS! The eight atomic bomb actual drop missions on Eniwetok Atoll, including Operation Hardtack, from June 1958 are included. The later markings with orange high-viz markings are also included
B-52D-55-BO, 55-0086, Snoopy/That's Tapioca?, 99 BW, Andersen AFB, Guam, 1968
B-52F-65-BW, Casper The Friendly Ghost, dropped 50,000th bomb in ARC LIGHT, 320 BW, Andersen AFB, Guam, 1965
SPECIAL BONUS DECALS: Specific markings for the NASA B-52H-BW, 61-0025! This scheme was carried from at least 2002 to the present. We include all the special markings except the blue/gold stripes, which you can easily paint yourself.
CED72213 - B-52s No. 6
Markings For TWO BUFFs:

B-52H-165-BW, 60-0057, Someplace Special with D-Day stripes, WW II codes C*5D & 410 BG black/white rudder stripes. Special paint job for the RAF Bombing Competition, RAF Marham, July 1981
B-52G-95-BW, 58-0164, SAC Time, 1708th BW (P), Jedda, Saudi Arabia, Operation Desert Storm. Aircraft from the 416th BMW, Griffis AFB.
"Our Final Three BUFF Decal Sets Are ALSO Shipping Now!"
CED72209 - B-52s No. 2
Markings For THREE BUFFs:
B-52H-130-BW, 60-0008*, Dear Rocky, Not To Win Is A Very Bad Thing, 19 BW, Homestead AFB, FL, 1967-8
B-52D-30-BW, 56-0658, Cong Crusher, 99 BW, U-Tapao RTAFB, Thailand, February 1968. This jet was one of the last SEA BUFFs to carry nose art; at the time our photos were taken, it was the only B-52 at U-Tapao that still had nose art.
B-52F-65-BW, 57-0144, Mekong Express, 320 BW/454 BS, Andersen AFB, Guam, 1966.
This jet flew at total of 86 combat missions during Rolling Thunder.
CED72211 - B-52s No. 4
Markings For FOUR BUFFs:

B-52G-120-BW, 59-2592, The Pink Panther, 92 SAW, Fairchild AFB, WA. This jet was painted in the standard SIOP scheme, with special "Pink Panther" markings for the 1971 SAC Bomb Comp added in honor of the recently released and extremely popular Peter Sellers movie of the same name. Please note that although the movie "Pink Panther" was really pink, on this jet it was painted a pale violet color. I'm greatly indebted to Bill Strandberg, who personally photographed this jet during GIANT VOICE (the SAC bomb comp) on the McCoy AFB flightline in 1971.
B-52H-125-BW, 60-0001, Memphis Belle IV, 2nd Wing flagship, Barksdale AFB, LA, 1996.
B-52G-100-BW, 58-0189, Special Kay, 379 BW, 1980 RAF Bomb Comp. Note the bomb striking the RAF roundel on the right side of the nose. The artwork on this jet was exceptionally unusual for a USAF aircraft in 1980! At least one publication has misidentified this aircraft as coming from the 319th BW.
B-52G-80-BW, 57-6485, The Big Stick, 97 BW. This jet wears the standard SAC SIOP scheme, but with the FS 36118 dark gray overpaint of the nose and front fuselage. The artwork was carried on both sides of the nose.
CED72212 - B-52s No. 5
Markings For FIVE BUFFs;

B-52G-85-BW, 57-6492, Old Crow Express, 379 BW. Total of 51 missions from Jeddah during Operation Desert Storm.
B-52H-BW, 61-0022, Yosemite Sam, 319 BW. This was one of at least two B-52Hs from the 319th with this tail marking to participate in the 1981 GREAT STRIKE (RAF Bombing Competition) at RAF Marham. The tail marking was a wing insignia, not an individual crew logo.
B-52G-120-BW, 59-2594, Memphis Belle III, 97 BW. This was undoubtedly the fanciest Memphis Belle artwork ever carried on a real Air Force aircraft, and should not be confused with B-52G 59-2584, which also carried the name "Memphis Belle III." Although transferred to the 2nd Wing shortly before the plane was retired, it was with the 97th she flew her Desert Storm combat missions.
B-52G-100-BW, 58-0210, Conceived For Liberty, 93 BW, August 1984. Although the exact circumstances and date of the artwork on this jet are unknown, this is without doubt the most amazing artwork ever applied to a SAC bomber! It was carried on the right side of the nose only, and we provide you with a BONUS: a BlackMagic(tm) Precut Painting Mask for the white background behind the eagle's head!
B-52G-110-BW, 58-0235, Spirit of Mt Rushmore, 28 BMW, Ellsworth AFB, 1972. This bomber is near and dear to my heart as the 28th Bomb Wing is my old unit. This jet carried these markings during the 1972 RAF Bomb Comp, where the crew won the BLUE STEEL award for best combined bombing score. I never got to see this jet in these markings as they'd been removed by the time I arrived at Ellsworth in 1977, but in 1980 I was able to pull an excellent photo of her artwork out of the trash can in the Wing Historian's office (the SAC Command Historian had instructed wing historians to destroy all photos in their local records as SAC had microfilmed the unit histories and there was no need to keep the photos!
Cutting Edge Modelworks products,
including Cutting Edge Decals, can be viewed at
Meteor Productions website
Review Text and Images Copyright 2008 by Meteor Productions
This Page Created on 31 January, 2008
Last updated
31 January, 2008
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