Quickboost continues its prolific release schedule with a number of recent
releases in 1/48 scale.
All the sets are perfectly cast in grey resin, with
minimal cleanup required. Consistent with Quickboost's philosophy to
date, each set has been designed with a minimum of
parts, and should be straightforward to assemble:
1/48 scale
QB 48 145 - OH-6A Cayuse Conversion

This is a simple, but beautifully cast conversion for Academy's Cayuse kit, with new stabs and rotor head.
QB 48-146 - Spitfire PR.XI Cameras

Four grey resin parts are supplemented by five clear resin camera ports and photo-etched parts to deliver oblique and downward cameras for the wings and fuselage. This set includes instructions for scribing new panel lines and filling unnecessary ones.
QB 48-147 - F-16C Pitot Tubes
Drop-fit replacement for Tamiya's kit pitot tube. Two are included.
QB 48-149 - Su-7 Air Scoops
Hollow replacements for the scoops on Kopro's 1/48 scale Sukhoi Su-7.
QB 48-150 - Heinkel He 111 H-4 / H-6 Exhaust
Beautifully detailed, hollowed out replacement exhausts for Revell/Monogram's 1/48 scale early He 111 kits.
QB 48-151 - Avia S-199 Exhaust
Beautifully detailed, hollowed out replacement exhausts forHobbycraft and Academy's Mule kits
QB 48-152 - Wellington Mk.I Exhaust

These are well-detailed and subty shaped, with the canvas (?) cover on one exhaust. Both are hollowed out at the end.
QB 48-153 - Focke-Wulf Ta 183 Air Intake and Front Wheel Well

This is a cleverly designed, one-piece insert for the nose of the AMtech / Tamiya 1/48 scale Ta 183 which provides both front wheel well detail and a seamless intake. Very nicely done!
QB 48-154 - MiG-3 Exhaust
Beautifully detailed, hollowed out replacement exhausts for the Trumpeter kit.
QB 48-155 Messerschmitt Bf 110 E Exhaust

This one gets my vote for Quickboost's "Product of the Month". Eduard's Bf 110 kits are gorgeous, but the exhaust installation is fiddly in the extreme. These replacement exhausts are supplied as one-piece each (instead of the individual stacks supplied in the kit), so they will be much easier, faster and more accurate to install and align. They are hollowed out too, saving the modeller yet more time.
All Recommended
Thanks to Aires / Quickboost for the review samples
Text and Images Copyright © 2008 by Brett Green
Page Created 4 April, 2008
Last updated
4 April, 2008
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