Quickboost continues its prolific release schedule with a number of recent
releases in 1/32 scale.
All the sets are perfectly cast in grey resin, with
minimal cleanup required. Consistent with Quickboost's philosophy to
date, each set has been designed with a minimum of
parts, and should be straightforward to assemble:
1/32 scale
QB 32 034 - P-47D Thunderbolt Gun Barrels

A full set of P-47 Thunderolt blast tubes (they actually covered the machine gun barrels), hollowed out at the end and with no seam lines. Very nice. These are designed for the Hasegawa kits.
QB 32 035 - F-16C Fighting Falcon Pitot Tube

Nicely contoured replacements for the pitot tubes on Tamiya's, Hasegawa's or Academy's F-16 kits.
QB 32 037 - Kawasaki Ki-61-I Exhaust (pictured at top of page)
A simple, drop fit replacement set of exhausts for Hasegawa's excellent Ki-61-I Hien kit. The stacks are each accurately hollowed out, and feature casting seams (don't sand these off - they are supposed to be there!).
All Recommended
Thanks to Aires / Quickboost for the review samples
Text and Images Copyright © 2008 by Brett Green
Page Created 5 February, 2008
Last updated
5 February, 2008
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