Revell 1/72 scale conversion
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-7
Hernan "Goku" Meza

Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-7 |
Revell's 1/72 scale Fw 190 A-8 is available online from
Here is my Revell 1/72 Fw 190 A-8 backdated to an A-7.
I strictly followed the "instructions" offered by Brett and Chris in their Feature Article about the same subject, also taking into account the engine cowlings latches.

Extra details like wing root bays, flaps, wheel wells, MG131 support and engine doors was 100% scratch built, with a total amount of 400 custom built parts.
The BMW801, MG131 and MG151 are from Aires, the cockpit is from CMK´s correction set and wheel wells from True Details.
The White 14 decals and Sturmstaffel 1 insignia are hand made. National insignia and swastikas are painted with the assistance of Eduard masks.
The detailed built process can be seen by following this link
Thaks to Brett and Chris for their article about this beautiful aircraft.
Model, Images and
Text Copyright © 2008 by Hernan Meza
Page Created 6 February, 2008
Last Updated 6 February, 2008
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