Item Code: MM
Item No: 00385
Item Name: German E-10 tank

Scale: 1/35 Static Tank
Model Brief: Length: 201mm Width: 85mm Height: 57mm
Total Plastic Parts: 130pcs
Photo Etched Parts: 1pc.
Total Sprues: 9pcs plus hull, vinyl & styrene tracks
Paint Scheme: German Army
More Features:
1) Both early & late vinyl tracks included;
2) Both early & late styrene tracks included.
Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:
Item Code: FG
Item No: 00418
Item Name: U.S. Army in Iraq (2005)

Scale: 1/35 Static figure
Total Plastic Parts: 110pcs.
Photo Etched Parts: 1pc. for earphone
Total Sprues: 3pcs.
More Features:
1) 4 people is included;
2) 2 additional vinyl vests are included.
Item Code: WX
Item No: 01632
Item Name: P-40B/C “Warhawk”
Scale: 1/72 Static Aircraft
Model Brief: Length: 135.7mm Wingspan: 157.8mm
Total Plastic Parts: 37pcs.
Total Sprues: 3 pcs.
Paint Scheme: 1. 3rd Sqn in China
2. 154th IAP Soviet Naval Aviation 1942
3. (Tomahawk I) RAF 349 Sqn. West Africa(1943)
Item Code: SK
Item No: 02263
Item Name: P-47D “Thunderbolt”
Scale: 1/32 static aircraft
Model Brief: Length: 348.8mm Wingspan: 388.9mm
Total Plastic Parts: 462pcs
Metal Parts: 1pc.
Photo Etched Part: 1pc.
Film Parts: 1pc.
Total Sprues: 17pcs.
Paint Scheme:
1. P-47D “LM-C”, Flown by Frederick Christensen. England,1944.
2. P-47D “Wee Speck” of 354th Fighter Group, of the 9 Air Force,
flown by Caption Lowell Brueland.
Item Code: DG
Item No: 05307
Item Name: USS ALABAMA BB-60
Scale: 1/350 Static Warship
Model Brief: Length: 592.3mm Width: 94.2mm
Total Plastic Parts: 480pcs.
Total Sprues: 12pcs plus lower hull, upper hull, decks and waterline
plate and display stand.
Paint Scheme: 1942 Measure 12
More Features: Either waterline version or full hull version can be selected.