Fw 190 D-9 Dazzling

Cutting Edge Decals, 1/48
Reviewed by

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The Focke Wulf 190D has always been a firm
favourite among Luftwaffe aficionados. Its
attraction hasn’t just been the aircrafts’ technical aspects but the
myriad of colour schemes it wore.
Cutting edge has taken advantage of the latter
with their latest piece of alliteration… “Dazzling Doras”.
The quality of the printing is up to the usual
standard expected of this manufacturer.
All items were in perfect register and where
this could potentially be a problem, the item has its
colours printed separately. The modeler
then only has to overlay the two pieces for perfect alignment.
An added bonus is the stencil data. In a couple
of instances the original wording could have been in red or black.
Thankfully CED supplies both versions so
the choice is up to you.
The printing of the smaller decals is generally
excellent although a couple of items appeared to be rendered a bit
too heavily. The colour density looked very good and everything was
on a minimum of carrier film.
Marking Options:
machines are represented on the single decal sheet.
1. Fw 190D-9, W.Nr. 210022, 7/JG 26, Schleswig, May 1945.
Although assigned to
the above Jagdgeschwader, there is still some mystery surrounding
the identity of this aircraft. It was found next to “brown 18” of
7./JG 26 which has the identical characteristic of displaying its
tactical number on the landing gear doors. However “brown 2” doesn’t
wear the Units’ fuselage band and has a spinner divided into two
colours. The above designation is reliant
on it being W.Nr. 210022, a transferred aircraft from III./JG 54
which is known to have flown operationally with 7./JG 26 in March
2. Fw 190D-9, W.Nr. 210xxx, “Brown 9 + -”, 7./JG 26
This is one aircraft
that does wear its full regalia and was seen at Nordhorn-Klausheide
in February 1945. This could have been the aircraft lost by Lt.
Siegfried Sy when he was hit by AAA and consequently had to make a
belly landing. Although shown in RLM 75/83/76, there is the
possibility that it could have been RLM 82/83/76 which is consistent
with similar aircraft from the first production batch.
3. Fw 190D-9, W.Nr. 211929, Stab/JG 6.
Photographed at
Reichenberg at the end of the war, it is evident that this aircraft
has had major repair work done on it. The unusual tactical markings
are particularly interesting, as is the style of fuselage cross,
which is quite rare on a “Dora”. The suggested scheme is RLM
82/83/76 and although not visible in the reference picture, a blown
hood is believed to have been fitted.
4. Fw 190D-9, W.Nr. 211115, “Red 18 + ~”, I./EKG (J).
Now here’s an
aircraft that many Dora fans will be pleased to see. In the past,
“WNr.211115” has previously been depicted as “black 18 + ~”. More
recent research suggests a new identity and
modeller’s can now add the new livery to their collection.
The scheme is RLM 82/83/76 on the fuselage with RLM 75/83 on the
upper wing surfaces. Beneath these can be found the combination of
natural metal with the front third over painted in RLM 75 and the
ailerons finished in RLM 76.
This is another excellent release from Cutting
Edge Decals and one that will please may Luftwaffe fans.
The sheet has been well researched and previous
experience with decals from this source reveals no problems at all
with their use.
Thanks to
Cutting Edge Modelworks for
the preview information and image
Cutting Edge Modelworks products,
including Cutting Edge and Yellowhammer Decals, may be purchased
online from Meteor Productions website
Review Copyright © 2007 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 21 August, 2007
Last updated
24 December, 2007
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