F-100D Decal Preview
1/32 scale for

Cutting Edge Decals

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor
Dave Klaus from Meteor
Productions has sent information and images of forthcoming decals
for Trumpeter's new 1/32 scale F-100D.
Full reviews will be
posted after the decals have been released:
Well, if you're a Hun fan, 7/7/07 really IS your
lucky day!
A month or two ago we ran an online survey to ask modelers which
specific F-100D markings schemes you'd like for us to create in
decal form. You gave us a HUGE response, and the choices were
actually very clear.
I'm pleased to report that all seven jets you voted most popular--by
a very large margin!--are included on the decal sets we have at the
printer right now. We will notify you when they are available. (Yes,
we'll be releasing these and other Huns in 1/48 in the future.)
Each of the four decal sets shown below include TWO decal sheets.
The first sheet contains the detailed markings for the jets included
in that set. The second sheet provides correct star-and-bar national
insignia (you've undoubtedly already noticed the national insignia
in the Trumpeter kit are non-symmetrical and "droopy"!). We also
provide you with "USAF" and "U. S. AIR FORCE" markings in the
correct style and size, and in the proper Insignia Blue color (the
Trumpeter kit offers incorrect black markings).
CED32087 - Hun #1

F-100D-65-NA, 56-3000 "Triple Zilch," Col Raymond
Toliver, 20th TFW Wing Commander, RAF Wethersfield, Essex, England,
Late 1957. This is the best-documented of the several various
markings schemes applied to Triple Zilch over its lifetime.
CED32088 - Hun #2

F-100D-25-NA, 55-3637, 20th TFW, RAF Wethersfield,
UK. This is the beautiful silver-painted jet with the large
red/yellow/blue lightning bolts on the fuselage and fin, and the
red/yellow/blue bands around the nose. This was one of the
most-requested schemes in our F-100 survey!
CED32089 - Hun #3

F-100D-55-NH, 56-2942 "Sizzlin' Suzie," 35 TFW/352
TFS, Phan Rang AB, RVN, 1970 (SEA camouflage); F-100D-90-NA, 56-3285
"Pretty Penny," 27 TFW/481 TFS, Tan Son Nhut AB, RVN, June 1965
(silver paint scheme). "Pretty Penny" was named after Lt Gerry
Salome's wife and the artwork was painted by Lt Pete Vanderhoef.
Both pilots flew this jet during 1965.
CED32090 - Hun #4

F-100D-50-NH, 55-2901 "Colleen," Lt Joe Vincent, 31
TFW/309 TFS, Tuy Hoa, RVN, Spring 1970 (SEA camouflage scheme);
F-100D-25-NA, 55-3604, "skull," Lt Col Harold "Bunny" Comstock, 27
TFW/481 TFS Commander, Bien Hoa, RVN, July 1966 (silver paint
scheme); F-100D-20-NA, 55-3580 "Mary Jane/Carol Ann," Maj Don
Schmenk, 31 TFW/308 TFS, Late 1969 (SEA camouflage scheme).
Comstock' "skull" jet displays seven iron cross kill symbols from
his WW II kills. Schmenk's "Mary Ann" includes both early and late
versions of the crew data blocks and tail markings.
Thanks to
Cutting Edge Modelworks for
the preview information and image
Cutting Edge Modelworks products,
including Cutting Edge and Yellowhammer Decals, may be purchased
online from Meteor Productions website
Review Copyright © 2007 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 08 July, 2007
Last updated
24 December, 2007
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