HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron
Scott Brown from Afterburner
Decals has sent the following information and images about four new sheets, due
for release very soon:
First is 48-0016 which
is a set of 1/48 stencils designed exclusively for use on the new Tamiya 1/48
F-16CJ kit.

Included are 2 complete sets of
stencils with a choice of many different tail numbers to utilize to make
virtually any F-16C made. There are some large differences between the Hasegawa
and Tamiya 1/48 kits and some of the stencils are not interchangeable. Also
included are the carbon fiber ring around the engine housing where it meets the
fuselage, exhaust petal black areas, 2 different types of preprinted canopy
frames, plus a good assortment of data plates for the ejection seat and landing
gear. As with our new F-16 sheets it also includes the large canopy optical
charts that go on the L hand side inside the canopy. This sheet allows the
modeler to expand the use of our existing sheets, and also to make use of
existing sheets designed to fit Hasegawa.
Retail is $15.00
Next is 48-017 which is a set of 1/48 stencils for the F/A-18E/F Super
Hornet designed to fit Hasegawa.

This set includes 2 complete
sets of stencils including 3 different styles of national insignia and 2
different styles of assorted numbers. 2 complete sets of walkways are included,
plus the little white squares inside the exhausts, different styles of intake
warning markings, the heat shield blankets for the upper fuselage, and numerous
smaller stencils for the ejection seat and landing gear. This sheet allows the
modeler to make better use of existing Super Hornet sheets by providing stencils
for more options included on Afterburner and other manufacturer’s sheets.
Retail is $15.00
Click the
thumbnails below to view images full-sized:
48-018 is a sheet that covers the F/A-18Cs and the A+ hornets currently
flown by VFA-87, USS Theodore Roosevelt (cover sheet is illustrated at the top
of the page).
The markings are designed for
the Hasegawa A and C kits and cover the unit’s markings from Operation Iraqi
Freedom’s initial stage during 2003, including both the CAG and XOs jets and a
line jet. Also included are the CAG and COs jets from 2006 and the CAG and 2
line jets from 2007 after the squadron’s transition to older A+ models that have
fewer hours than the Cs. The sheet is the large format 8X10” and comes with
complete color instructions and the most comprehensive weapons loadout
instructions available.
Retail is $20.00
Click the
thumbnails below to view images full-sized:
48-021 covers the F-15C Eagles carrying the wing flagship markings for
the 325th Fighter Wing at Tyndall AFB and the 366th Fighter Wing at Mountain
Home AFB.

The numbering sequence is out
of order due to this being our first sheet printed by Cartograf in Italy, and
their delivery schedule is faster than MicroScale, which is currently printing
019 and 020. Both jets can be built from the sheet as it includes 2 sets of
stencils. Markings are also included for the art on the intake covers should the
modeler want to either make them or use the excellent sets made by Steel Beach.
This is the first of the “Wing Kings” series for the F-15s from us, and we have
3 more in the works.

Retail is $15.00
Thanks to
Afterburner Decals for the information.
Images and Text Copyright © 2007 by Afterburner Decals
This Page Created on 08 October, 2007
Last updated 24 December, 2007
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