Modeller's Datafile Number 10 will be available online from Squadron.com
SAM Publications has provided the
following information about new publications and offers:
… --- …
Sam One Stop Solution!
A recent Sam Publications readership
survey revealed that no fewer than 60% of the Scale Aviation Modeller
International readership also read Model Aircraft Monthly. Sam Publications has
therefore repositioned both SAMI and MAM to work side-by-side, giving the
plastic model enthusiast a 200-page one-stop solution every month, for under
150 issues of SAMI and the 76th issue of MAM, Sam Publications will
herald the beginning of a new era for their magazines and books. MAM will have a
bright new format and a 40% increase in size to 100 pages every month. To reward
the loyal readership, MAM will be giving away free in the next 12 issues a
fabulous 16-page Air Wars guide covering the colours and markings of 12 famous
battle arenas. MAM is delighted to announce that Testor will be the official
sponsors of this valuable and collectable resource.
Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:
Modellers Datafiles
MDF 10,
Messerschmitt 109 Part 2 authored by Lynn Ritger, will commence delivery to
advanced orders in early April. 12 months in the making, this book is being
labelled a must have amongst the modelling community.
Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Falklands conflict MDF 11,
the Sea Harrier, authored by Andy Evans is down for delivery in late May.
MDF 12
authored by Paul Lucas will cover the TSR 2 and is down for delivery in June.
And now for
the big one…..! Part one of a three-part series; MDF, 13,14&15 will be on the
fabulously successful McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom. MDF 13, US Navy Variants,
will be ready for the IPMS-USA Nationals in Orange County, with Part 2, MDF 14
USAF Variants ready for the IPMS UK Nationals/Scale Modelworld at Telford. Part
3, MDF 15, will cover foreign users and all other variants of this world famous
All images and text Copyright ©
2007 by SAM Publications
Page Created 28 March, 2007
Last updated 24 December, 2007
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