Im Focus
Editions No. 11 & 12

Reviewed by Brett Green

Luftwaffe Im Focus is available online from
The tenth and eleventh editions of Luftwaffe Im Focus continues with this
series' excellent photographic coverage of Luftwaffe subjects from the
Second World War.
books are presented in portrait A4 format, with a soft cover and
48 pages (plus covers). The paper is heavyweight and glossy. The
publication is laid out attractively and professionally..
uncluttered approach of the earlier Editions is carried on in the two
latest volumes.
Once again, photos are large and well reproduced, and mostly presented as
two to a page. Subjects including various (and very interesting) Bf 109s,
Bf 110s, Do 17, He 126, He 111s, Me 410s, Ju 88s and more packed between
the covers. Most of the aircraft in these issues are pictured in operational
Both books supplement their monochrome images with a number of rare colour photos.
These are large and well reproduced considering their age. The colour
profiles are, once again, of excellent quality, and a number of scrap
view illustrations and maps are also included.
Full text and captions are both provided in German and English.
The captions are quite helpful, with details about units and locations
where that information is available.
Specific content highlights of the two new Volumes are as follows:
Bf 109 F-4, ”yellow 1“ from Lt.
Hermann Graf, 9./JG 52
Ju 88 C-6 from 5./NJG 200
Me 410 A-1 from 14./KG 2
Fw 190 from a Close Support Gruppe
Tails: Lt. Hans Ehlers, 3./JG 1,
January 1944
Colour photos: tranfer to Italy, air
to air shots from II./JG 53
Aircraft in Focus: The unknown
aircraft of Walter Nowotny
Unknown emblem: Utility Flight from
Air Fleet 4
The story behind the photo: ”Attack
on the escort near the Bäreninsel“ in February 1945, the torpedo
mission from
KG 26 against convoy JW 64
Scenery: Emergency landing behind the
front – back to own troops
Fate: Missing in action in area
Ungheni-Florest-Balti, Hs 126 from 3.(H)/13
Edition 12
Aircraft in Focus: The "white 111" of
Knight Cross holder Oblt Mertens, 1./JG 3
The story behind the photo: Killed by
Naval Anti-Aircraft Fire,
Fateful Mission of KG 40 against a
Portrait: Ofw. Reinhard Aigen, KG 4 -
The first mechanic with the Knight Cross
Scenery: Tobruk -Costly Ground
Support, Heavy fighter low level attacks in North Africa
Fate: War Correspondent – High-Risk
The story behind the photo: German
Magnetic Mine Missions in the West from October 1939 to October 1940
Tails: Oblt. Erbo Graf von Kageneck,
9./JG 27
Colour photos: On the Eve of
“Operation Mercury”
Personal Emblem: The “Panther” Emblem
of Lt. Dold, 9./KG 51
Luftwaffe fans will find plenty of interesting photos and information
in Luftwaffe Im Focus Editions No. 11 and 12.. The inclusion of profiles and the
tie-in with decals are a welcome addition to an already attractive format.
Whether your interest lies in Luftwaffe fighters, bombers or other
aircraft types, Luftwaffe Im Focus will have something for you!
Thanks to
Start-Verlag for
the review sample.
Luftwaffe Im Focus Edition
Editions 11 and 12 are
available online from
or the
Start website
Review Copyright © 2007 by
Brett Green
Images Copyright © 2007 by Luftfahrtverlag-Start (used with
This Page Created on 10 October, 2007
Last updated
24 December, 2007
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