Focke-Wulf Fw 190D
camouflage & markings Part II
by Mark Deboeck, Eric Larger & Tomáš Poruba

Title, Description & Publisher |
Focke-Wulf Fw 190D – camouflage & markings Part II
Authors: Mark Deboeck, Eric Larger & Tomáš Poruba
Artists: Tomáš Poruba, Jaroslav Farkaš, Mark Debroek & Eric
Publisher: JaPo, Hradecc Králové, Czech Republic
not quoted |
Media and Contents: |
pages, hard cover; portrait format (22 x 30 cm), loose sheet
with full colour aircraft profile. |
Price: |
Unknown at time of writing |
Review Type: |
Detailed Review |
Advantages: |
Continuation of the most comprehensive analysis of Fw
190D-series camouflage and markings yet published. Part II
of a three-volume set. Highly analytical approach to
unravelling Fw 190D camouflage and markings schemes,
identification of individual aircraft into specific
production batches, comprehensive Werknummer listing, etc.
Outstanding photograph collection (many previously
unpublished) and superb colour profiles. Confirms this
series reputation as the “Dora Bible”. |
Disadvantages: |
None. |
Recommendation: |
Highest Recommendation |

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Reviewed by David E. Brown
“In the second volume of
their book “Focke-Wulf Fw 190D – camouflage & markings”, the authors
will continue their study, identification, and description of the
camouflage and marking practices to the entire production of the Fw
190D-series aircraft. This volume logically adheres to the methodology
commenced in Part I, that is to say, the details of the camouflage and
markings of the Fw 190D as observed on a large sample of
photographically documented aircraft will be classified according to
principal identification features specific to assembly plants, and the
different production batches.” (Authors’ Introduction to the book
“Focke-Wulf Fw 190D – Camouflage & markings – Part II”)
Given the fact that this
publication is the second of a three-part series, for the convenience of
the reader this review follows the same format as the earlier one this
writer undertook for Part I (2005) that is posted here on this website.
second volume of the JaPo Dora series follows the same format as Part I,
though has 20% more pages. It measures 22 x 30 cm / 9 x 12 inches with
a laminated hard-back cover, is printed on heavy bond, semi-matt,
bright, coated paper, and within the 265 pages include:
- 260
photographs (33 colour, 227 b/w)
- 44
aircraft and component plan and scrap views (colour & b/w)
- 143
artist aircraft colour profiles (61 full page size/length; 82 half
- Dozens of
maps, charts, tables, document images, etc
The contents of the book pick up
where Part I left off, beginning with an impressive discussion of the
camouflage and markings systems for the three remaining Dora production
facilities - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weserflug, Mimetall Erfurt and
Fieseler Kassel – and the separate Werknummern production
batches within each which makes up the bulk of this book. The remaining
third of the book discusses the oft-overlooked and poorly understood
(and under-appreciated) subject of wartime restoration and adaptation of
camouflages, and overview of aircraft operating with specific units, the
German Air Force repair system. There is also a separate 15-page
section devoted to the Fw 190 D-15 and related aircraft. A
comprehensive listing is presented that includes the fates and related
information on all FW 190Ds from the 400000, 500000, 600000 and 8000000
Werknummer series. The book concludes with a number of
Appendices, Errata & Addenda for Part I, Bibliography, etc. The
following is a precise of the books ten sections identified and detailed
1. Introduction (2 pages)
In their Introduction, the
authors give an over of the results of their research methodology, and
most usefully, a discussion of Fw 190D Production Timelines. This is a
very useful feature as it neatly describes in table and text the
temporal framework of Dora production over the last eight months of the
war – September 1944 to April 1945.
2. Individual Description of
Production Batches (176 pages)
This section naturally occupies
the largest section of the book and focuses on the description of
camouflage and markings for Focke-Wulf Dora production from remaining
three production facilities - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weserflug, Mimetall
Erfurt and Fieseler Kassel – from the 400000, 500000, 600000, and
800000Werknummer-series. Each of the batches within the
respective series is described in detail with accompanying colour and
b/w photographs, colour and b/w profiles and plans, official documents,
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weserflug:
Four production batches are recognized in
this series of 227 aircraft, with the following number of aircraft
studied in detail:
400201-400301 – 2 aircraft examples (1.7% of
total 100 a/c)
400601-400640 – 1 aircraft example (2.5 % of
total 40 a/c)
400351-400400 – 2 aircraft examples (4% of total
of 50 a/c)
836001-836017? – 1 aircraft example (D-15) (6% of
total 17 a/c)
Mimetall Erfurt:
Three production batches are recognized in this
series of 350 aircraft, with the following number of aircraft studied in
500001-500130 – 2 aircraft examples (1.5% of
total 130 a/c)
500371-500440 – 1 aircraft examples (1.4% of
total 70 a/c)
500551-500700 – 12 aircraft examples (8% of total
150 a/c)
Fieseler Kassel: Eight
production batches are recognized in this series of ~800 aircraft, with
the following number of aircraft studied in detail:
600121-600180 – 7 aircraft examples (12% of total
60 a/c)
600311-600450 – 9 aircraft examples (6% of total
140 a/c)
600601-600670 (600680?) – 5 aircraft examples
(14% or 6% of total 70 to 80 a/c)
600761-600810 – 1 aircraft example (2% of total
50 a/c)
600981-601110 – 1 aircraft example (<1% of total
of 130 a/c)
601221-601350? – 1 aircraft example (<1% of total
of 130 a/c)
601411-601490 – 2 aircraft examples (2.5% of
total 80 a/c)
601801-601810 (601820?) – 0 aircraft example (0%
of total 10-20 a/c)
each Werknummer series, colour profiles for each fuselage side,
variations, and wing uppersurfaces are used illustrate the salient
features. Within each batch, a number of aircraft are studied in detail
with a discussion on its history, unit, camouflage, markings and
stencilling. Period and recent photographs up to half-page size provide
the interpretive dataset to unravelling the respective camouflage and
markings schemes. Some aircraft are known from but a single photo;
others from over a dozen images or have been preserved. Many are
aircraft that are familiar to Dora enthusiasts, though with new
information and images that lead to some surprising colour
interpretations. These interpretations, as discussed in the text, are
illustrated with colour and b/w plan and scrap views, and outstanding
full-page artist profiles.
As an example of the new
information generated from this research, it is recognized that aircraft
from the 600981-601110 series – transitional from the 600000 to 601000
blocks – have markings attributes from the 600000 series but have
schemes that are slightly more reflective of the 601000 series.
Furthermore, there are some interesting comments regarding the
possibility that aircraft within this series may include recycled /
repaired aircraft from other series.
There is also a very
comprehensive analysis on the Fw 190 D-13 from the 836000-series. The
information and photos in this section could warrant a small publication
on its own right and is probably the most current analysis of the
aircraft and its camouflage and markings. There are some rather
surprising interpretations on the camouflage and markings of the
surviving D-13 aircraft “Yellow 10”, WNr.836017 of Stab./JG 26.
It is interesting to note the
rather uneven distribution of subject aircraft within each Werknummer
block and series. Some are very well represented with statistically
large samples whereas others are described from a single aircraft.
While there are several possibilities why this might be so, a cursory
study of the Werknummer list suggests that this may be due in part to
where a particular unit operated, with those on the Ostfront not
having good photographic representation. The fact that the low numbers
of sample aircraft, particularly in the 600000-series produced during
the last months of the war when camouflage and markings variability
would be most pronounced, should ring as a note of caution in attempts
to interpret the camouflage schemes and colours for these aircraft.
Yet, as the authors proved in Part I, in most cases these totals are
statistically sufficient to permit a highly confident interpretation of
the camouflage colour, schemes and markings for each batch. Their
methodical analytical approach is reaffirmed in this volume as the
textbook example of how such studies and should be studied.
4. Restoration and
Adaptation of Camouflage & Repair System of the GAF (German Air Force)
(18 pages)
authors use this section to delve into the not well-known system of
aircraft repair and refurbishment by the Germans at major repair centres
to the unit level. Five aircraft are used as illustrative example of
the process and the results, on of which is none other than that old
chestnut, “Blue 12”, WNr.500570 of 8./JG 6. This reviewer and his
colleague Dave Wadman published a book (Experten Decals) in 1993 (!)
that included analysis of this kite and we thought that there was little
more to be learned about it. The authors’ re-evaluation of this machine
proves how wrong we were. Other aircraft studied in this section are
two from the 601XXX series and two others that have unknown
5. Snapshots in Time –
Aircraft of a Single Unit, Simultaneously in Use (21 pages)
is a rather interesting section devoted to analyzing the use of the Dora
by each of the respective Jagdgeschwaders and Gruppen
operating it. Included is information on where aircraft were being
sourced from, significant operational events, losses and comments on
unit modifications of camouflage and markings. Each discussion is
accompanied by numerous colour profiles of Doras from the units, some of
which are discussed in detail in earlier sections of the book
6. Fw 190 D-15 – The
Ultimate Development (15 pages)
A rather surprising addition is
the treatment of the D-15 aircraft and its development. A detailed
tabulation of all known D-14s and D-15s, along with data on the Jumo 213
and DB 603 engines, and the Fw 190D with the DB 603 motor completes this
part of the book.
7. Conclusions
Here, on a single page, the authors neatly
encapsulate their research with an overview of camouflage colours and
schemes used by the different manufacturers and units, with comments on
the need for this book and directions for future studies.
8. Table of Known
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Weserflug, Mimetall Erfurt and Fieseler Kassel
Production Losses (11 pages)
This final section is made up of
eleven pages of tables chronicling every known Few 190 d is the
aforementioned production batches. The table format contains
information on each known aircraft’s Werknummer, date (of
significant data), marking/code, pilot, fate, location/crash site,
state, and action and remarks with approximately 40 entries per page.
This extremely useful tabulation will expand as new information becomes
available and included in Part III.

9. Appendices (10 pages)
There are four sections in the
Appendix under the following headings:
1. Wing under surfaces (6
pages): This is a most fascinating study of the poorly understood
evolution of painting of the wings lower surfaces and the use of various
dark upper surface paints. Sixteen variations are recognized and
classified based on photographs and fragments.
2. Production batches versus
camouflage colours (1 page): This brief discussion follows the
evolution of the promulgated official camouflage scheme and colours and
the results when brutal reality intruded.
Werknummern (1 page): This is another short overview regarding
the designation of Werknummern to specific factories that also includes
the use on Fw 190 As and Fs produced by the four Dora manufacturers.
4. Colours versus paint
composition (2 pages): This is a section gives a very succinct
summary of German aviation paint s, the manufacturers and the uses of
various raw materials and substitutions over time. Overall, this is a
very interesting discussion that should generate some interesting
commentaries from enthusiasts.
10. Errata, Addenda to Part I
(1 page)
All omissions, errors, addenda
and errata for Part I are presented here. Furthermore, it is noted that
a similar list for all three volumes in this series can be found on the
JaPo website.
Like the first volume, Part II
has its share of minor grammatical and editorial errors. For example,
the heading for the 600121-600180 series is labelled “600111-600180”.
It would be prudent for the publisher to consider having the final text
proofread by someone whose first language is English to catch the few
rather charming choices of words and syntax. This writer repeats his
plea for headings of the various sections to have larger font sizes for
ease in locating them in the book. The hoped for comprehensive Index in
the review of the first volume has not made its appearance here but is
still recommended; perhaps it might end up in final volume.
Part III of the series is
discussed briefly on the final page of the book. It will capture much
new information that has, and will continuously be generated by these
books, as well as extant information of the various manufacturers that
could not be included in Parts I and II for space reasons. Additional
topics will focus on Allied and Soviet testing of the Dora, detailed
discussion on production methodology, new photos, profiles Addenda and
Errata, and a chronological lost listing of all Fw 190Ds.
A final bit in this section is
the sensational news that the authors will include a paint chip chart of
Luftwaffe colours created from original stocks of at least 10 recently
discovered Luftwaffe paints. Little more is known of the discovery in
the Czech Republic, except to add that there are considerable
quantities, these being preserved in 55 litre metal drums, and that the
paint appears to be perfectly preserved.
Finally, as an extra treat, the
book comes with a full-page size sheet with a colour profile of a
selected aircraft. This writer recommends that JaPo consider marketing
these as packages as they are most suitable for framing and display.
As mentioned in my previous
review of Part I (2005), these are indeed the best of times for Dora
fans. With the completion of this three-volume opus, there will be over
800 pages devoted to the camouflage and markings of the Fw 190D-series
aircraft. The highly complimentary two volume series by Eagle Editions
on the Dora further attests to the popularity of the Dora. Indeed, one
is left to wonder if there is possibly anything left to say about this
In conclusion, this book is yet
another outstanding contribution to knowledge on Luftwaffe
camouflage and markings specific to the Fw 190D-series. The JaPo series
cements its reputation as being indispensable to anyone interested in
the aircraft, setting the standard for the analytical analysis of
aircraft camouflage and markings. This is all packed and presented in a
comprehensive and readable format and at an attractive price.
With this new volume, the
authors continue to meet the highest standards of scholarship in
describing the evolution of Fw 190 D camouflage and markings, with more
to follow. Kudos again to Mark Deboeck, Eric Larger, Tomáš Poruba and
the JaPo team for creating this outstanding publication.
Highly Recommended
Sincere thanks to
Ales Janda of JaPo for the review copy of this book.
Review Copyright © 2007 by David E. Brown
Page Created 28 November, 2007
Last updated 24 December, 2007
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