S u m m a r y
1857802586 |
Media and Contents: |
Hard Cover; 208 Pages |
Price: |
GPB£24.99 Available from Midland Counties
Superstore |
Review Type: |
FirstRead |
Advantages: |
Excellent coverage of a range of fascinating programs |
Disadvantages: |
Not really a modeling reference |
Recommendation: |
Highly Recommended |
Reviewed by Ken Bowes

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Being a student of military technology I have always been interested
as much in the developmental paths that led to dead ends as those that
resulted in a fielded capability. To that end the fascinating British
Secret Projects series which has reached volume four has caught my
fancy. This time the authors cover a grab bag of projects from
hypersonic spaceplanes to air to air and surface to air missile systems.
As such it covers a lot of ground and whilst a lot of systems covered
will be familiar (Blue Jay/Red Top, Red Duster/Bloodhound and
Confessor/Sea Wolf to name a few) there are of course considerably more
that never got beyond the prototype, test vehicle or design study stage.
Gibson and Buttler step through the history of the many systems that
fall into the description of hypersonics, ramjets and missiles in a
logical manner, looking at air to air projects, air to surface guided
missiles and unguided rockets, surface to air missiles and surface to
surface missiles in turn. Anyone familiar with the Sandys Review will
understand that a plethora of such projects emerged in Britain the
period from World War Two to the present day and this book dips into as
many of those systems as it can. Couple this with a look at the various
hypersonic fighter, strike and transport projects and design studies and
the volume could be considered a complete look at those aspects of
aviation technology that fall outside the conventional.
Finally two very useful appendices complete the book. Firstly ever
wanted to know what a Violet Club or Yellow Duckling was (high yield
strategic weapons and IR submarine detection system respectively)? The
authors have taken the time to explain the seemingly random Ministry of
Supply Colour Code system and attempted to list all systems that fell
under it, regardless of type. A very useful reference in its own right.
The second appendix lists all the operational requirements from OR 1000
to OR 3578, which again proves useful to any student of British military
equipment programs. A useful and comprehensive reference is contained
within the covers of this book. One should not expect to use it as a
modeling reference, but if you want to understand why Brimstone looks
like a Hellfire or what radar system is employed on the Skyflash missile
hung on your FGR2 Phantom then this would have to be the best source.
Highly Recommended.
Thanks to Simon from DLS for the review sample
Review Copyright © 2007 by Ken Bowes
This Page Created on 04 December, 2007
Last updated 24 December, 2007
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