QB 48 124 - Fw 190 A-5/6 Trop Cowling with Exhaust for Eduard

This is a cleverly cast replacement for Eduard's
The main cowl is a single casting with the distinctive
Trop fiters cast on each side. The intakes and the lower set of exhaust
stacks are separate parts but cast inside the engine cowl for
efficiency. Surface features are beautifully rendered (see the photo at
the top of the page to see what I mean).
This set is designed to be displayed closed - i.e.,
with Eduard's engine detail not on display - but assembly may be even
simpler than the kit parts.
QB 48 125 - Su-27 Flanker B Pitot Tubes
Click the thumbnail below
to view larger images:
QB 48 126 - Su-25K Air Scoops
Click the thumbnail below
to view larger images:
QB 48 127 - Spitfire HF Mk.VII Conversion

This is a simple conversion for Hasegawa's Spitfire
Mk.VIII/IX kits to the high altitude Merlin fighter variant. The
conversion parts include a new lower cowl, pointed wing tips, compressor
intake and supercharger intake guard.
Unfortunately, my sample did not include the wing tips.
QB 48 128 - Me 262 Undercarriage Covers for Tamiya

There is not much wrong with Tamiya's 1/48 scale Me 262, but the
undercarriage covers are plagued with hard to remove ejector pin marks.
Quickboost has come to the rescue with replacement gear covers. Not only
have these addressed the ejector pin hole problem, but they add even
more detail to this area. The method of casting both sets on the same
narrow resin block is pretty clever too!
QB 48 130 - Focke-Wulf Ta 183 A Jumo 004 Nozzle
A simple and perfectly cast one-piece replacement for
AMtech's Ta 183 kit, featuring superior detail inside the nozzle.
Click the thumbnails below
to view larger images:
QB 48 131 - Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H Update Set
QB 48 132 - Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H Exhausts
Quickboost has released two update sets for the Dragon /
Trimaster / Italeri 1/48 scale Ta 152 H kit.
The update set replaces a number of smaller detail parts
in kits, including small intake, pitot tube, 20mm cannon barrel and
Morane mast.
The separately available exhaust set features hollow
stacks and delicate weld seams along the exhaust centreline. Both will
be a simple, drop fit replacement for the kit parts.
Click the thumbnails below
to view larger images:
All Recommended
Thanks to Quickboost for the review sample
Text and Images Copyright © 2007 by Brett Green
Page Created 25 October, 2007
Last updated 24 December, 2007
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