This is the third and final installment of my
announcements of our huge list of modeling
goodies we intend to have "on the street" before
You'll certainly agree this is a MASSIVE
list, and I'll bet you'll find some "gotta
haves" here! We're in business to increase your
enjoyment of this great hobby we share. I hope
we're actually actually achieving our goal to
make you happier in our hobby.
I'll go through the new announcements first,
then have a short recap later of the new stuff
we announced in Parts 1 and 2 of my Christmas
Release List in case you missed them.
FG.1/FGR.2 British Phantom 1/32 Super
Massive Conversion Update:
The Wild Hare Ass'n is about to release their
long-awaited 1/32 super massive conversion for
the British Spey-engined Phantoms, the FG.1 and
FGR.2 (F-4K and F-4M to us Yanks). This massive
and expensive conversion contains a completely
new fuselage, wings, air inlets, engine nozzles
(and much more), as well as SEVEN huge decal
sheets covering NINE amazing markings schemes!
(You will be able to get separately the two huge
decal sheets for the Alcock & Brown scheme.)
(Read more
B-17F & B-17G 1/48 Conversions & Decals

We're busting our tails right now to finish
up the numerous B-17F and B-17G conversion sets
for the 1/48 Monogram/ProModeler/Revell B-17G
These conversions will allow you to use the
well detailed Monogram B-17G kit as the basis
for backdating to three different B-17F nose
configurations (Boeing "early," Boeing/Douglas
"mid-production," and Boeing/Douglas "late
production"). As you know, we were unable to
find (and none of you provided to us) any
interesting nose art for the Vega
"mid-production" or Vega "late production"
B-17Fs, so we will not be releasing those noses.
While we're at it, we're making several
variations for the B-17F bombardier's nose
bubble, because these configurations were nearly
always installed at the depot or in the field
rather than at the factory.
We're also working hard on B-17G staggered
waist gun windows (the fuselage sections will be
cast in clear resin, so all you have to do is
install them, clean up the edges, mask off the
windows, and paint!), and the late B-17G Pumpkin
Tail Turret (commonly but incorrectly called the
"Cheyenne turret" in many sources).
Read more
HMS Victory 34' Ship's Launch Kit in 1/35
SCALE Coming Very Soon:
Well, the HMS Victory, Lord Nelson's flagship at
Trafalgar, carried up to nine small boats for
various purposes. Since large sailing warships of
her era almost never came alongside a pier, she was
completely dependent on her boats for all
communications and supply from the shore. The
largest member of this little on-board flotilla was
called a "launch," and that's the model kit we're
very close to releasing.
Don't' confuse this with the "Admiral's Barge,"
which was a smaller and much fancier boat used,
naturally, for moving the admiral around when the
Victory was at anchor.
The launch was no glamour queen; she was a
working boat used for provisioning the ship (food
and water), kedging (towing an anchor ahead of the
ship when becalmed, then hauling in the anchor line
to move the ship ahead), for armed landing parties,
etc. Parts that will allow you to display the launch
in any of these roles are included in the kit.
The ship's launch was extremely important to the
common seaman when it was stowed on the Victory's
deck, as it made a perfect place to goof off and
take a short kip (nap) when he was supposed to be on
watch. And of course, we give you a sailor figure
stretched out on one of the seat planks!
Read more about this fascinating new kit by
jumping to our Victory Launch page
1/48 & 1/72 Cutting Edge SR-71/A-12/YF-12A
We've had such a huge demand for our 1/48
SR-71/YF-12A/A-12 Superdetailed Exhaust Nozzles set
that I decided to do a few more cool things for the
Blackbird family. (Click
here to check out our nozzles set)
Yes, we're working right now on 1/72 and 1/48
Blackbird decals! I've found a bunch of tail art
photos that you've probably never seen, and we've
been able to confirm quite a bit more information on
SR-71, A-12, and YF-12A markings. If you've got a
favorite bird, or have some photos we need to see to
ensure the markings are done right, be sure to email
me right now (no kidding, this project is almost
finished) at
I'm really excited about this tail art. Tres'
I'm not sure yet whether all this stuff will fit
on one sheet; more likely we'll release two sheets
in 1/48 and possibly two in 1/72. I expect these
will be available to you in mid December (yes, I
hope before Christmas!). Stay tuned!
F-16XL 1/32 Super Massive Conversion Update:
A new brand name, the Wild Hare Association, is
nearly ready to hit the modeling scene with a couple
of very elaborate and massive conversion kits in
1/32 scale.
Their 1/32 F-16XL Massive Conversion Kit (kit
number WHA32002) is very nearly finished and will
ship during the first week of December. Yes, it will
ship in about three weeks!
The decals are being printed now, and we've made
our first (very complicated) mold of the fuselage
top and bottom halves and have begun production on
those difficult parts. The wings and other parts are
either in production now or will be within the next
few days.
(See and read more about this kit
B-52G & B-52H 1/72 Conversion Kits & Decals
"Do You
REALLY Need To Get
TWENTY-FOUR Monogram/Revell 1/72
B-52D Kits
To Complete This Modeling Project?"
We will release a number of 1/72 conversion sets
to allow you to modify the widely available
Monogram/Revell B-52D kit into an accurate B-52G or
B-52H. These will be large sets that will result in
your creating a really great (and accurate) model!
You've already heard that the 1/72 B-52G/H
projects were FAR behind the 1/48 B-17F noses in our
recent poll asking which sets you guys would like to
see us release before Christmas.
Nonetheless, you should expect (hope?) to have
the first of the B-52 sets (it will be the B-52H
basic set) on the street by the end of December. The
remaining sets will follow very quickly after that.
And yes, we've done
B-52D, B-52F, B-52G, and B-52H markings schemes on
the six decal sets we'll release in the near future.
We have images of all of them on our separate
B-52G/H page which you can reach by clicking
here. (We think you'll be amazed...).
(See and read more