In a year hardly short of controversial kit releases, Dragon's new 1/32
scale P-51D Mustang must be vying for the title of "Topic of Most Lines
of Divisive Text in Online Model Discussion Forums".
Eduard has recently addressed the cockpit interior and
the airframe of this contentious kit in two new photo-etched sets.
32 569 - P-51D Mustang Interior

The detail contained in Eduard's photo-etched sets is
always remarkable, but it can best be appreciated in large scale. This
time, Eduard has really gone to town with Dragon's cockpit, supplying
two full colour photo-etched frets with details including instrument
panel, harness straps with stitching beautifully depicted, consoles,
switches and other tiny details.
A third fret in nickel plated photo-etch supplies yet
more detail, this time for the canopy and other structural details
inside the cockpit.
32 168 - P-51D Mustang Exterior

Three nickel-plated photo-etched frets supply a mass of
detail covering the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, the cowling frame,
radiator outlet flap and vent, tail wheel strut and bay main
undercarriage details, bomb sway braces and replacement bomb and rocket
fins (the rocket fins come with a rather clever jig to ensure correct
alignment), feul tank straps and other small, delicate exterior parts.
If you have some experience working with photo-etched
parts, these sets will help add valuable detail to your big Dragon
Both Recommended.
Thanks to Eduard for the review samples
Text and Images Copyright © 2007 by Brett Green
Page Created 05 July, 2007
Last updated 24 December, 2007
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