Can Join Your Collection
"The Original Phantom II Variant Has Always
A Lot Of Trouble To Create - Now You Can Build
For Yourself In BOTH 1/48 And 1/32 Scales!"
If you love the Phantom, this kit is for you.
Finally, there is a quick, easy, and accurate way to
add a gorgeous original Phantom, the F4H-1, to your
But, before we go farther, I need to make sure
we're not confusing you. Actually, we all have the
right to be confused, because of the US Navy's
strange nomenclature system of the late 1950s and
early 1960s that led to TWO significantly different
Phantom configurations being named the "F4H-1."
Just so we're on the same sheet of music, we're
talking about the first 45 Phantom II jets built,
which had short, "pointy" noses and "flat" canopies.
Those Phantoms from number 46 and on were built to
F-4B standards, with much larger noses and raised
canopies. Yes, they were still called F4H-1s, but
the detailed explanation is far too long to describe
here. A great source that can clear up this
confusion (or make it worse?) can be found
here and
Our 1/32 conversion set can be applied to either
the Tamiya F-4C/D or F-4J kits. The 1/48 conversion
is specifically designed to fit the Hasegawa F-4J
"new tool" (engraved panel lines) kits.
Yes, our new resin conversions are HUGE sets in
both 1/48 and 1/32. Just look at all the stuff you
get in these conversions:
The F4H-1's characteristic "flat
topped" canopy IN TWO VERSIONS! |
- One-piece complete canopy
- Four-piece "opened" canopy
- The parts are cast in crystal
clear resin
Decals for SIXTEEN markings
variations! |
- Two HUGE 8.5" x 11" decal sheets
in 1/32
- One HUGE 8.5 x 11" decal sheet
in 1/48
Full markings and camouflage
descriptions printed in full color
on the instruction sheet |
BlackMagic(tm) Precut Painting Masks
to make your painting quick and easy |
- Two HUGE 8.5" x 11" sheets of
precut masks in 1/32
- One HUGE 8.5" x 11" sheet of
precut masks in 1/48
New "pointy" nose |
The ORIGINAL "S" shaped engine
air intakes* - SEAMLESS! (including
new splitter plates) |
New "flat" wing tops |
The ORIGINAL perforated wing
spoilers* with UNDERSIDE stiffener
detail AND detailed bays! |
Narrow main wheels |
Flat landing gear doors & flaps |
Want to check out the SIXTEEN markings schemes included on the HUGE
decal sheets (did I mention the decals are HUGE)?
Click any of the images below to see a larger
version of what you'll get in these super sets!
OK, what bits (OK,
bits) do we give you to convert your Tamiya (1/32)
and Hasegawa (1/48) F-4 kits back to the earliest
Phantom II? Hold on to your hat, because these sets
are gargantuan (check out the one foot (12") ruler
shown in each photo to get a feel for the size of
each set)
If the ruler doesn't do it for you, let me tell
you how I had to take the photos below. The dark
blue paper behind the parts is 30" x 40", and it's
laying on top of a white-topped banquet table that's
36" wide and six feet long. I had to stand on a
ladder to shoot straight down on the parts, and
still there's a little "fisheye" in the photo. These
sets are BIG.
As you can see, these sets are MAJOR airframe
conversions for the 1/32 Tamiya F-4C/D (or F-4J; see
below), and the 1/48 Hasegawa F-4J "new tool" kit
with engraved panel lines.
Notes on the Airframe Conversion Parts
(1/32 parts are described, but the 1/48 parts
are similar, only they fit the Hasegawa kit)
We're especially proud of the clear canopies
we've included in these sets. I had samples of the
cast canopies with me during my very short visit to
the IPMS-USA national convention last year, and a
handful of people were able to see the parts. I
apologize for not recalling everyone who was in the
gaggle when I was showing them off, but I
specifically recall Dr. Frank Mitchell and Ed Kinney
as being two of them. I'm certain Frank and Ed will
verify the quality of the castings--folks remarked
that they were better than most injection molded kit
You're probably already aware of our very popular
1/32 F-4B/N Airframe Conversion sets that we
released a couple of months ago. You might be
asking, "What's the difference between those sets
and this F4H-1 set?" Well, plenty!
I'll discuss this in more detail below, but in a
nutshell, the nose is completely different, the
canopy is completely different, the "flat" wing tops
do NOT include the bulged stiffener over the main
landing gear attachment points (neither did the
early F-4Bs, but that's a different story), the
intakes were quite different on the first few
aircraft, and the spoilers were perforated on the
first few aircraft.
Let's step through some of these characteristics.
Order the 1/32 scale F4H-1 Conversion
Order the 1/48 scale F4H-1 Conversion
The "Flat" Wing
As you already know, the wings of the F4H-1, like
the F-4B/N, were "flat" because of the thin main
landing gear tires. From the F-4C--on (as modeled in
all versions of the 1/32 Tamiya F-4 kits), the wider
MLG tires required a substantial bulge in both the
top and bottom surfaces of the wings to accommodate
the larger tires. The underside bulges extend across
the lower wing surface and continue onto the main
landing gear doors and the speed brakes.
Your Cutting Edge F4H-1 Airframe Conversion Set
includes completely new cast resin inboard top
wings. These are not merely Tamiya parts with the
bulge removed, but completely new wing tops that we
created to precisely fit the Tamiya lower wing part.
This is both good news and not good news (see
below). To prevent shrinkage on such large parts, we
have had to implement special (and time-consuming,
and expensive) processes and procedures to ensure
you receive a resin wing part that fits right every
time. We've worked very hard to make this work right
for you, and frankly, we're pretty proud of the
Our conversion set also provides you with
detailed, "flat" doors for the MLG and speed brakes,
and "flat" resin insert parts for the most difficult
bulged areas of the bottom wing itself. You can see
from the photo below that these are straightforward
to install, as you cut along existing Tamiya panel
Note, however, there is only a small bulged area
of the lower wing just aft and inboard of the speed
brake well on each side that we do NOT provide a
replacement part for (see the hatched area in the
photo above). Why? It's not very "humped" to begin
with and I decided it was actually less work for you
to sand this area flat than cut it out and replace
it with a resin insert. Again, this is the "hatched"
area in the photo.
I have confidence in your ability to handle this
small area on your own. We've taken care of the
major problem areas; you are well able to fix this
one small area yourself.
The Thin Wheels
We all know the F4H-1, again like the F-4B/N, had
much thinner main wheel tires than all subsequent
Phantoms. Yes, we've given you these wheel units,
and also included separate resin nose wheels (in the
1/32 conversion only) since many of you do not like
to use vinyl model tires.
I am very lucky to have a McDonnell Douglas
technical document (thanks to Dave Rider) giving
exact tire sizes for the various Phantom versions.
Do you think we used it to get our F4H-1 tires the
correct size? Duh!
- "Pointy" nose (with separate IR fairing)
- Fuselage/wing attachment fillers
- "Flat" canopy (open AND closed)
- "S" shaped intakes and fixed splitter
- Long nose pitot tube
- "Navy" style nose landing gear door
- Plain fin cap
"Pointy" Nose With Separate IR Fairing
The surefire method of identifying a F4H-1 in
photos is by the short, "pointy" nose. This was very
similar in shape to the F3H Demon, and wasn't
changed until partway through F4H-1 production (the
various designations given to the early F4H-1s can
be very confusing and are outside the scope of this
letter; for an excellent discussion click
here and
This early nose housed the 24" APQ-50 (or APQ-72)
radar dish. This smaller nose was fitted to the
Block 1 and Block 2 F4H-1s. The larger nose (typical
from the F-4B and on) containing the larger APQ-72
radar, with its 32" dish, was fitted to Block 3 jets
starting with BuNo 146817, which also had the higher
canopy. In fact, without seeing the BuNo data block,
it can be difficult to distinguish between Block 2
F4H-1s and the later F-4B.
We give you this short nose, along with a very
long nose pitot, the IR fairing later fitted to some
aircraft, and some small adapters that fit the new
nose to the Tamiya fuselage/wing. Note the cast nose
has the original NACA style air conditioning intakes
as on the first two aircraft (142259 and 142260); on
subsequent jets an external intake was fitted. This
external intake was somewhat similar to the one
fitted to the F-4B and later and is also provided in
your conversion set.
"Flat" Canopy (Open AND Closed)
As I mentioned above, we're extraordinarily proud
of the clear canopies we're giving you in these
sets. Yes, I said "canopies," as in more than one
The second most obvious identification point for
the F4H-1 is the "flat" canopy, which was much lower
than the one fitted to the F-4B and on. Now, I know
you probably build you models "canopy open," as do
I. However...when the F4H-1 canopy is open, it's not
so obvious that the canopy itself is considerably
different from the later Phantom canopy.
So, you might prefer to model this particular jet
with the canopy closed to draw attention its unusual
shape. Do you know how hard it is, even with
injection molded kit canopies, to make a clean
"closed" canopy from separate canopy parts? Do you
know how much a pain in the (you know) it is to cut
apart a "closed" canopy so you can display it open?
I do! That's why I'm giving you BOTH versions!
"S" Shaped Intakes And Splitter Plates
The first seven F4H-1s (all Block 1 aircraft)
were produced with a beautiful "S" shaped lip to the
engine air intakes. In fact, this intake is a
surefire identification point for these first seven
jets. Actually, all of these aircraft were later
fitted with the "standard" Phantom intakes as seen
on every other version of the jet, but for a while,
they sported truly elegant intakes.
We've provided you with these intakes--and of
course they are SEAMLESS! It's almost a shame to
build one of the later jets, or one of the
retrofitted early planes, because these intakes are
so distinctive. But, there were some really pretty
later schemes, and I suspect you'll have difficulty
deciding exactly which one to do!
If you decided to build a variant with the
"standard" Phantom intakes, Cutting Edge has
produced a wonderful set of seamless intakes cast in
white resin. They are available separately in set
CEC32183. Click
here to see and order them.
Early Perforated Spoilers & Bays
One of the coolest features of our new sets is
the etched metal perforated spoilers as fitted to
the first seven Phantoms built (Block 1). It's
pretty easy to miss the fact that all Phantoms had
spoilers near the outboard edge of the wing just
forward of the flaps. On aircraft #8 through the end
of Phantom production these spoilers were solid,
they were perforated on the first seven.
I'd seen these perforated spoilers in photos for
years, but I'd always assumed they were "scab on"
additions similar to the spoilers on the F3H Demon.
Not so.
I'm lucky enough to live about 15 minutes from
the US Marine Corps Air-Ground Museum (now called
the National Museum of the Marine Corps) located in
Quantico, Virginia. They have the number three F4H-1
(BuNo 143388) in their collection, although after
decades of outside storage the aircraft is in truly
terrible condition.
Anyway, I was able to photograph and measure the
perforated spoilers on that bird a couple of years
ago. This spoiler assembly is essentially exactly as
on later Phantoms, but with a perforated aerodynamic
plate. I was able to precisely measure each of the
holes and their exact locations, so our etched metal
parts are true scale!
The three pieces that make up each spoiler and
bay give multiple levels of bas-relief regardless of
whether you model them stowed (down) or raised.
Frankly, I think you'll find them too cool to glue
on in the down position!
Order the 1/32 scale F4H-1 Conversion
Order the 1/48 scale F4H-1 Conversion
FREE bonus
included with the Cutting Edge F4H-1 Airframe
Basic Conversion Set!
(1/32 only; not required for the 1/48 Hasegawa
F-4 kit!)
- Rear fuselage vents above nozzles
Another part I'm throwing in as a
FREE BONUS with this basic
conversion set, since they are NOT purely and
specifically part of the F4H-1 conversion, corrects
the small vent on each side just above the exhaust
nozzles. Please note that
these vents
need to be corrected on ALL Tamiya F-4 kits,
regardless of the version.
We've known from the first day the Tamiya kit hit
the street that these vents were the wrong size,
shape, angle, and location. Interestingly, Revell
got the size, angle, and shape right on in their
1/32 F-4 series, and was off the correct location by
only about three scale inches, which is no big deal
(if you're building a Revell kit, of course, which
has other problems).
We've corrected these vent panels for the Tamiya
kit and are providing you as a
FREE BONUS with new, triangular
resin inserts that fit along existing panel lines in
the Tamiya kit. Here's a photo that shows one of the
panels in place (along with the rear fuselage
extension parts needed only when you start from the
F-4J and included in set CEC32187).
At this point, we do NOT plan to release these
small but important parts as a separate set.
- Catapult hooks and bays (for the Tamiya
F-4C/D basis kit)
- Rear lower wing/fuselage extensions for
the J79-GE-8 nozzles
The Tamiya F-4J lower wing and rear fuselage is
designed to accept the later, larger-diameter
J79-GE-10 engine nozzles, so to properly fit the
earlier J79-GE-2 nozzles you'll need to extend the
lower wing and fuselage sides in this area.
No big deal. Our resin parts easily and quickly
solve this problem. You don't even have to make any
cuts on the fuselage, although you've got four
simple cuts along existing panel lines on the lower
wing part.
Luckily, all the wing conversion parts we give
you in this set are extremely easy to build, and in
fact are direct replacements for existing kit parts.
- Unslotted stabilators without
reinforcing plates
- Drag chute door
- Nose gear main door & clear resin lights
Most of these fuselage conversion parts are
extremely easy to build, and as with the wing
conversion parts, are direct replacements for
existing kit parts.
The only difficult conversion parts, and they're
only moderately difficult, are the Slotted
Stabilators. As originally built, up through Block
25, the F-4B had Unslotted Stabilators, and these
are included in the Tamiya F-4C/D kit and may be
used as-is (except for removing the stiffener and
battle damage repair plates). Note that Block 26 and
higher F-4Bs left the factory with Slotted
However, late in its service life nearly all
Block 25 and earlier F-4Bs received Slotted
Stabilators to significantly reduce landing approach
speeds-a very important issue during carrier
landings. All F-4Ns had the Slotted Stabilators (as
did, of course, all F-4Js).
If you're starting from the Tamiya F-4J kit with
the slotted stabilators, you'll need to remove the
existing Tamiya kit stabilators from their
mounting/rotation structure and glue the Unslotted
Stabilators in their place. (BTW, I recommend you
use 5-Minute Epoxy for this procedure rather than
"The Issue Of The
F4H-1/F-4B/C/D/N Engine Nozzles"
We've recently released a separate set of
superdetailed J79-GE-8 (similar to J79-GE-2) engine
nozzles for the F4H-1, F-4B, F-4C, F-4D, and F-4N.
As noted, we have not included these nozzles in our
F4H-1 conversion set because nearly all of you who
responded to our F-4 survey told us you didn't want
to buy any more parts than you actually need to
build your model from whichever Tamiya F-4 kit you
choose to use as the basis of your conversion.

CEC32189 |
F4H-1/F-4B/F-4C/F-4D/F-4N Super Detailed
Exhausts for Tamiya F-4C/D (and Cutting Edge
F-4B/N conversion). This set includes a FREE
BONUS! Although not technically part of the
engine exhaust nozzle apparatus, I'm
throwing in a SPECIAL FREE BONUS! We've
known from the first day the Tamiya kit hit
the street that the small vents on each side
just above the exhaust nozzle were the wrong
size, shape, angle, and location. Well,
we've corrected these vent panels for the
Tamiya kit and are providing you as a
SPECIAL FREE BONUS with new, triangular
resin inserts that fit along existing panel
lines in the Tamiya kit. Please note that
these vents need to be corrected on ALL
Tamiya F-4s. |
And, before my fellow 1/48 guys bite my head off,
YES, our 1/48 F4H-1 conversion for the Hasegawa
"late" (engraved panel lines) F-4J kit has all the
parts necessary to convert that kit into a
prize-winning early Phantom! I've focused on the
1/32 kit above because it would have taken too long
and been to confusing to jump back and forth between
the two scales. The parts layout photo near the
beginning of this letter shows you all the parts
you'll be receiving when you order your 1/48 set.
To recap, the set numbers are
CEC32177 for 1/32 scale and
CEC48494 for 1/48 scale. Click either of the
photos below to jump to the ordering page for that