Bf 109 A/B/C/D Conversions
1/32 scale for
Hasegawa Bf 109 E

Cutting Edge Modelworks
Reviewed by Brett Green

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Early Bf 109 Prototypes and Production
The earliest Messerschmitt Bf 109 variants were
fitted with the Jumo 210 engine. Compared to the the later and more
familiar Daimler-Benz equipped versions, the Jumo powerplant rendered a
very different profile to the nose of these early 109s.
The first Bf 109 to be fitted with the Jumo engine
was the second prototype, the V2, which differed from the first
production models in a number of respects. The V2 was unarmed, featured
a streamlined upper cowl, different spinner design, large main wheels
requiring a long "bump" on the top of the wings (similar to the later
model Bf 109s such as the G-10 and K-4), small tail wheel with no oleo
scissor and other detail variations.
The next prototype, the V3, was fitted with cowl
armament and a revised windscreen, but was otherwise similar to the V2.
It is generally acknowledged that the V3 was the prototype for the Bf
109 A series.
The V4 introduced the production-style engine
cowling and tail wheel, narrower main wheels (with the upper wing bump
deleted), and a separately-framed quarter panel on the bottom of each
side of the windscreen. Other changes included the provision for a
centre mounted machine gun firing through the propeller hub, relocation
of the pitot tube from the side of the fuselage to under the wing, and a
new style of oil cooler mounted close to the port-side wheel well. The
Bf 109 V4 was the prototype for the Bf 109 B production series. A
variable pitch metal two-bladed VDM propeller assembly was planned for
the Bf 109 B, but delays in supply meant that the first production
machines were fitted with the wooden Schwarz propeller.
It should be pointed out that there are
discrepancies between reference sources regarding identification of some
of these prototypes and early production models. One recent case in
point relates to the first production machines. Conventional wisdom has
been that the Bf 109 B was the first variant to reach production status
but recent sources, including Lynn Ritger's new Bf 109 "Modellers'
Datafile", suggest that there might have been a small Bf 109 A series
production run. Regardless of the label, however, these early production
machines varied little. For example, the main feature suggested as
distinguishing the Bf 109 A from early Bf 109 B production machines is
the location of the underwing oil cooler.
In service, these "Jumoschmitts" were
relatively underpowered, and the initial armament of two cowl-mounted
machine guns quickly proved inadequate compared to the emerging
generation of European fighter aircraft.
Despite these limitations, however, the
Messerschmitt Bf 109 A, B, C and D dominated contemporary fighters in
combat over the skies of Spain. The Messerschmitt airframe also proved
adaptable, with continual development ensuring that the Bf 109 remained
the Luftwaffe's first-line fighter weapon (although it was undeniably
surpassed by other German designs) for the entire duration of the Second
World War.
Jumoschmitts in Plastic
Although modellers have a great selection of
Messerschmitt Bf 109 E, F, G and K kits to choose from, until recently
the situation has been fairly grim for fans of the early Jumo powered
prototypes and early production models.
Classic Airframes came to the rescue of 1/48 scale
modellers in the last year with their family of Jumo-powered Bf 109
In 1/32 scale, however, options have been very
Cutting Edge Modelworks has come to the rescue of
large-scale Jumoschmitt fans with a new range of 1/32 scale early Bf 109
Three conversions are offered. These all share a
common large lower central wing part in resin, lower flap halves,
replacement rear cowlng saddle, a complete replacement engine cowling
(which vary in detail between the three conversions), different
combinations of propeller and exhaust assemblies, and separate
(optional) detailed wheel wells. The resin lower wing has a blank wheel
well cast in place, including locating positions for the landing gear
legs, so you do not have to use these separate wheel wells if you do not
want to. They are a big improvement though.
All these parts are perfectly cast in grey resin.
Each set also includes a clear resin windscreen and
rear canopy section.

Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
The three conversions use the nomenclature quoted
in Lynn Ritger's Modeller's Datafle - Messerschmitt Bf 109 Part 1.
Here are the specifics of each set:
CEC32134 - Bf 109 A Conversion
This set includes the early style cowl with flashed
over slots at the front, and six vertical vents at the rear (pictured
above). There were many variations of the vent arrangements on these
early machines. At this stage, the changes were made in the field in an
attempt to prevent overheating. Check your references carefully to
decide which slots to open and which vents to fill.

The early wooden fixed pitch Schwarz propeller is
in this set, as is the early style short exhaust stubs.
CEC32135 - Bf 109 B-1 Conversion
This set provides the same style of engine cowl
with the flashed over forward slots and six vertical vents.

The two-bladed adjustable VDM propeller assembly is
included, along with the extended exhaust stubs.
CEC32136 - Bf 109 C/D Conversion
This engine cowl features the factory installed
cooling slots in the front of the cowl, which were more refined than the
early openings.
In addition to the two-bladed adjustable VDM
propeller, this set includes the spinner and base for a three bladed
propeller; plus the option of the extended stub exhausts or the full
ejector exhausts that were sometimes retrofitted to the Bf 109 D.

Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
The parts are all cast to Cutting Edge's
customarily high standard. These replacement parts feature crisp and
petite recessed panel lines. The subtle shapes are captured well.
Cutting Edge's conversion parts deal with the worst
aspects of the old Hasegawa donor kit. The shape of the 1/32 scale
Hasegawa Bf 109 E nose is poor, and the spinner is worse. The profile of
the rear gun cowl is too rounded, resulting in problems with the shape
of the front of the windscreen and the small quarter windows. The wheel
wells are very shallow and totally featureless, and panel lines
throughout seem to be the result of someone's imagination.
Cutting Edge's resin parts replace all of
these defective or poorly detailed areas of Hasegawa's kit - even the
clear windscreen. The only issue remaining will be the raised surface
detail. The conversion will look good whether you decide to rescribe or
not, but I think that rescribing is worth the effort.
Hasegawa's cockpit is another blight on modeldom,
but Cutting Edge has addressed that issue separately. Stay tuned for a
review of Cutting Edge's early Bf 109 cockpit soon.
So, Cutting Edge's 1/32 scale Jumoschmitt conversions look great in
the box, but the proof of the pudding is in the building.
How do they fit?
The conversion samples arrived late last week, and I found some time
over the weekend to start taking photos and carving parts up.
First, the nose of the fuselage halves were removed using a razor
saw. The cut is along two very prominently recessed panel lines. The
only trick is to make sure that you cut straight through the wing root,
in line with the vertical cut.
The wing cuts are not on a panel line, so a little more caution is
required. I actually managed to cut too far inboard on one side
(entirely my own fault), so I have some additional filling to do.
Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
The casting block for the nose looked a bit scary at first, but it
was free within a few minutes using only a razor saw. The entire nose
assembly was together faster than I expected.
The fit of the parts was almost magic. My anxiety about the separate
exhaust panels lining up with the upper and lower cowls was completely
unfounded. The complex and subtle shapes are beautifully captured too,
and it would have been difficult to do so with a smaller parts

Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Test fitting of the assembled nose showed that it mated up with the
Hasegawa fuselage almost perfectly.
It seemed a shame to showcase all those nice resin parts with their
crisply recessed panel lines against the fictitious and apparently
random raised surface detail of the Hasegawa wings and fuselage so,
after a sudden rush of blood to the head (and a few hours free on Sunday
afternoon with Debbie out on Round One of Christmas shopping), I started
scribing the plastic parts.
I will provide a detailed guide to how the parts were scribed in the
full Construction Feature when the model is finished.

I also installed the optional deep and detailed wheel wells.
Removing the cast-in wheel wells
was probably the most challenging aspect of construction so far (my Dremel fitted with a cutting wheel was a big help), but the separate
parts are so much nicer that it is well worth the effort.
The front and
rear of the wheel well parts must be thinned dramatically in order to
fit between the wing halves though.

By yesterday morning I had glued the resin and plastic wing parts
Contrary to the instructions, I first glued the plastic upper wings
to the plastic lower wing outboard sections, then glued these
sub-assemblies to the resin lower centre section, and only then added
the resin lower flap halves.
I did need to grind away a bit of resin on the inside edges of
the wheel wells (inboard of the gear leg mounts), as they interfered
with the fit of the big engine cowl casting. I also glued a strip of
plastic to the inside of the bottom of the starboard wing to bridge my
self-induced gap between the resin and the plastic.

You will see from the photos that the overall fit is extremely good. The
photos here show the wing and fuselage assemblies simply resting together.
I had to slice a narrow strip off the back of the wing centre section
where it meets the fuselage, but no major surgery has been required
anywhere. It just fits.

I briefly considered dropping the flaps but reconsidered even faster. I
will, however, cut out and drop the leading edge slats. I will relocate
the machine gun openings in the leading edge too, which are a little
higher on the D than the MG-FF on the E-3/4/7.
I was hoping to get the cockpit done by the time I left for Telford
today, but that is not going to happen. I will resume on my return.
Cutting Edge's 1/32 scale resin early Bf 109 Conversion
Sets are comprehensive, well detailed and beautifully cast. These
Jumoschmitts will represent an interesting and unique addition to your
Bf 109 collection.
You will certainly need experience dealing with
resin conversions, and you will want to be comfortable with carving up plastic
kits. If you take your time and prepare the resin and the kit parts
properly though, you should be rewarded with good fit and an impressive
Highly Recommended to experienced modellers.
Thanks to Cutting
Edge Modelworks for the review sample
Cutting Edge Modelworks products are
available online from Meteor Productions
Images and Text Copyright © 2007 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 06 November, 2007
Last updated
24 December, 2007
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