Images and Audio
Tiger's Revenge
by Ronnie Olsthoorn

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by
Last year I was commissioned by Peter Randall of the Little Friends
website to do an artwork for Bill "Tiger" Lyons. Some of you may know
him from the History Channel program Battle Stations, about the P-51
Lt. William S. Lyons was a Mustang pilot of the 357th FS/355th FG,
flying from Steeple Morden. "Tiger" Lyons claimed two Me 109s destroyed
and one Me 262 damaged. On The last two occasions he was flying his
personal aircraft "Tiger's Revenge".

The artwork depicts the event of 9 February 1945, when "Tiger" Lyons
has just turned the tables on his attacker for his second kill of the
war. As his P-51D "Tiger's Revenge" eases out of the dive, his mortally
wounded victim steepens his.
Please have a listen to the audio file
below for a more detailed description of the air battle. It is a
compilation of fragments from a long telephone interview I had with Mr
Lyons, while I was working out the details of the artwork. You'll hear
him talk in great detail about the encounter with a lone German fighter,
which nearly cost him dear.

Click the banner above to listen to Bill
"Tiger" Lyons account of this air battle
For those who want to learn more about the artwork, I would like to
direct you to
my website which has an animation of the build-up of the image.

The final artwork was handed to Bill Lyons at the 355th FG reunion in
Philadelphia, in October 2006.

Prints of "Tiger's Revenge" are available through
More of
Ronnie's 3D virtual models may be seen at his website -
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2007 by Ronnie Olsthoorn
Page Created 27 February, 2007
Last Updated
12 December, 2007
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