scale "French Zerstörer"
Potez 631
by Eric Deluy
Potez 631 |

1/48 scale Potex 631 is available online
This is Azur's 1/48 scale Potex 631.
I chose to represent Potez n°49, belonging to the 2nd squadron of
the GC 1/8 in April 1940. This aircraft carries the famous Bounding Lion on the nose as well as large roundels.
The plane is in the configuration of a "French Zerstörer ", that is the
version heavily armed fighter version of the Potez 631 (2 cannons of
20mm, 4 machine guns of 7,5).

Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
I have added a lot of extra scratchbuilt detail to the cockpit area.
The aircraft wears the classic 4 tones scheme with slightly soft
camouflage demarcation. Before painting, I rub a rag moistened with
alcohol over the whole model.
Gunze acrylics have been used for the paint colours. I tried to take
account of the scale effect, lightening each colour so the overall
result doesn't appear too dark. By order of application:
- gray - light-blue H67 to 70% + H1 to 30%
- gray - dark blue H305, then the
- khaki H73 and lastly
- brown H17. _puits of train and internal part of the shutters,
H318 chamois
In preparation for decals, I always add gloss varnish. Once the plane
is painted, I sand it entirely with 3000 grit sandpaper to water in
order to remove the impurities. This operation finished, I coat the
entire model with Tamiya’s Gloss Clear to prepare the surface for the
decals. After a drying of 24h, I begin the pose of the décals without
forgetting the softener" micro scale ". I pass a stroke of blade of
cutter there or a décal rides a line of structure, it is better.

The patina or "weathering": first, a flat coat is applied to the model.
This also blends the decals. I brush on a wash suggested by a scientist
. This is a mix of Winsor & Newton oil paint and lighter fluid. This
thin mix distributes itself in the lines of structure and by the same
opportunity, it penetrates in the rivets that are moulded onto the
model. Just a few minutes later, I wipe with a soft rag thus
impregnating surface. Oil stains and streaks are added with a fine brush
in appropriate places, including the engine cowlings.
After 24 hours of drying, I continue the weathering with dry pastels.
These last are sanded slightly on the abrasive paper in order to get the
powder that you will apply with the help of a brush. The traces of
exhaust will also be reproduced with these chalks. At this time one
might say to ones self, have I done the weathering too heavy? Reassure
yourself, all this work is going to be toned down greatly by the
application of Xtracrylix flat varnish, once again diluted with
distilled water. One benefits of this is to remove the remnants in the
Maskol deposited on the canopy.
At this stage, one can glue all sub-assemblies and the small details
(landing gear, antenna, the shutters...). This also one lets really dry
the mat varnish before coming back to shine to the soft rag the whole
model. You will get this way a finished slightly satin. One can also
play on nuances of flat varnish.
The representation of this Potez is most beautiful. On the whole,
Azur’s 1/48 scale Potex 631 is a model without surprises, that is well
planned and can result in a good model, if the modeller does his
preparation and is patient.

Useful Documentation: _The wings of glory nº 9, Air Magazine n°16, 17
,18, AéroJournal special n°10
Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Text and Images Copyright
2007 by Eric Deluy
Page Created 01 March, 2007
Last Updated
24 December, 2007
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