Hasegawa's 1/48 scale
Kawasaki Ki-61-I
by Chris Wauchop

Kawasaki Ki-61-I Hien
(Tony) |
images by Brett Green

Hasegawa's 1/48 scale Ki-61-I Koh/Otsu Hien is available online from
Hasegawa's Kawasaki Ki-61-I kit could trace its origins to the
exquisite and expensive 1/48 scale resin kit by short-lived Japanese
manufacturer, "The Right Staff".
Hasegawa released their plastic kit following the demise of "The
Right Staff". This kit featured the same restrained yet impressive
surface features of the earlier resin model. The clear parts are also
noteworthy, being exceptionally thin and free of distortion.

Chris built Hasegawa's 1/48 scale Ki-61-I Hien shortly after it was
released in the 1990s. He originally painted the model in an overall
natural metal finish.
model was painted using the metal bodied Testor Aztek airbrush fitted
with the fine tan-coloured tip.
The model was originally painted using Mr Color lacquer silver. This
finish tuned out to be difficult, as no other paint wanted to stick over
the silver coat.
The new paint job represents a Ki-61 Hien attached to 59th Sentai in
the CBI (China/Burma/India) theatre during 1945.
The original metallic finish was overpainted with squiggly
camouflage. The original Hinomaru decals, yellow leading edge stripes
and other markings were left in place while this repainting took place.

The canopy was originally masked using aluminium foil. This was
carefully stripped from the canopy frames, except for the rear section.
The windscreen and sliding section were then masked and sprayed silver.
The model was photographed in HyperScale's studio using a Nikon D70
digital SLR. Illumination was via two studi flash units - one Bowens 250
and a generic 100 flash - on stands and illuminating from a high 45º
angle from each side of the front of the photography table.
The camera was fitted with a Micro
Nikkor 60mm lens.
ISO was set to 250, and the manual
shooting settings were 1/100 of a second at f.29. The high aperture
ensures good depth of field.

The model was placed on a base of static
grass in front of an enlarged photograph of sky. The images were
optimized (brightness and contrast) in Photoshop CS, resized to 700
pixels in width and saved as 75 dpi .jpg files using Photoshop's "Save
for the Web" option.
For the photos with the extended grass
foreground, the model photo was merged with a photograph of grass taken
at Bankstown Airport in Sydney's south-western suburbs. The colour and
tone of the grass was adjusted to match the static grass under the model
using Photoshop's "Hue and Saturation" tool. The demarcation
between the model static grass and the real grass in the foreground was
merged using the Clone Stamp tool.
Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Model by Chris Wauchop
Text Copyright © 2007 by Chris Wauchop and
Brett Green
Images Copyright © 2007 by
Brett Green
Page Created 19 June, 2007
Last Updated 24 December, 2007
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