Trumpeter 1/24 scale
Bf 109G-6(Y)
Chris Sherland
Messerschmitt Bf 109
G-6(Y) MT-508
(Blue "B") |

Trumpeter's 1/24 scale Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6 is available online from
I had such a great time finishing my 1/32 Hasagawa Messerchmitt that
I immediately began searching for another scheme for my next 109. I
wanted to do a scheme that was "unusual" and not with Luftwaffe
markings. When I finally ran across this scheme in a profile by Jan Mace
I was hooked.
Of course during the research that followed the scheme took on new
aspects and presented challenges around every corner. But I decided
early on that no matter what I found out about this ship during the
build, that the Mace profile was to be the heart and soul of the look I
was after.

The acorn: Jan Mace's profile of MT-508 Image
copyright Jan Mace 2004
Shortly after finding this profile I ran across a project for skinning a
flight sim (European Air War) over on the SIMHQ Bulliten Board, where a
team had tackled this ship. It was here I found out why this
Messerschmitt was decked out so boldly.

Skin artwork and research by "LLv34_Doc," "DeanH,"
"Doc_1" from SIMHQ BB
A Short History
The Finnish air force used the Bf109 during WWII, and
for quite a while after the war was over as well. The official
designation for the BF109 in Finnish service was "MT" followed by a
three digit number identifying the inventory/serial number assigned to
that specific ship. A fantastic resource for the History of Finnish
Bf109s can be found on the web at so
I won't take up too much space here.
MT-508 was a Bf109G-6/Y high altitude interceptor version of the
Messerschmitt. A long tail wheel, Erla Haube canopy and extended
underwing antenna are the most notable cosmetic features of this
version. The plane was assigned to HLeLv 31 after the Russian Armistice
and participated in the "Mid Summer Air Festival" held at Utti Airbase
in Finland in 1950.
It was for this event that MT-508 and 3 other 109s recieved flashy paint
schemes for a "race" put on at the airshow using a pylon-type track.
There is little other info on the other ships that participated beyond
what I found in this indespensable volume by Kari Stenman and Kalevi
Keskinen; "Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6" (ISBN 952-5334-05-8). It is in that
volume that I found this, the ONLY photograph known to exist of MT-508
in racing colors:

Image copyright © Kari Stenman 2001 - 2004 used
with permission from the publisher
say this volume was helpful would be an understatement. It not only has
these images but gives a great view into the state of "MTs" after the
war which helped me get the right level of weathering for my
interpritation. You can find this book at the Kari Stenman Publishing
webpage here.
Within the Stenman volume is also this alternate profile. The third
profile I do not have a credit for as I recieved it without a proper
resource attribute.

Image copyright © Pentti Manninen and Kari Stenman
2001 - 2004 used with permission from the publisher

With the above resources in hand, and a mandate to myself to stay
true to the Mace profile I came up with the following interpritation of
MT-508. One thing to note is that while the markings in the photo and
the above two profiles are crude, I made a choice to "straighten" them
up, especially with regards to the checker pattern. In the Mace profile
the checkers are much more regular and trued than the actual paintjob
probably was. However ultimately we must build and paint what moves us,
and spending long hours replicating a sloppy checkerboard did not move
The Trumpeter kit is well engineered so the build went fairly smooth
and as such there's not much to tell. A few items needed to be
scratch-built to represent the 6/Y but nothing too fancy. Some creative
trading got me most of the parts I needed and all I had to fashion was
the tropical filter, the distinctive "Galand Panzer" armored headrest,
the DF loop, and the underwing antenna.

Tropical Filter made from sheet plastic, brass
screen, and a spare 500lb bomb in 1/32
Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Apart from those items noted above, Trumpeter's
kit was built straight from the box.
Markings and Weathering
Well this is where the rubber meets the road on this build.Having
such a unique scheme this ship required lots of planning and thinking.
Basic paint scheme was standard Luftwaffe RLM 74/75/76, all shot with
Polyscale Acrylics through a Badger 150 using the medium needle and tip.
After the camo I hand-sprayed the "covered" Luftwaffe markings (crosses
and swasticas) with RLM 80 and 76 (top and bottom). Then moved to the
"covered" war-time Finn roundels with RLM 75.

The exotic racing markings consisted of the blue and white checkers,
the blue and white "B"s and the distinctive wing and stabilizer designs
in white. I used a few different techiques here and used Tamiya "Gloss
White" enamel from a spray can for the white areas to offer a hard
resiliant base for the blue, which was done with Polyscale acrylic. Most
of the racing markings were done with hand cut masks and masks from
The center Blue roundels were home made inkjet printer decals, and all
the stenciling was done with the excelent dry transfers offered by

Detail of the dry transfer stencils from
Weathering was done with oil paint washes of Umber and Black, some
dry pastel dusting in earch tones, and paint chipping was done with a
Primsmacolor Silver pencil except for the propeller blades which were
done with Testors Model Master Buffing Metalizer, sealed with Future
Floor Wax, then painted with Polyscale acrylic RLM 80, and finally
chipped with a sanding stick.
The model was photographed with a 2.1 MP Olympus C-2040ZOOM digital
camera mounted on a tripod, outside in the shade on a sunny Texas
afternoon sitting on a sheet of old black contact paper.

No lights were used.
I tried a few new techniques on this build, and got hooked on 1/24 in
a big way. I'm looking at my stash of unbuilt 1/32 kits for my next
build, and I find myself saying: "they're so small!" Hmmm, this could
get tricky.
Click on the thumbnails
below to view larger images:
Messerschmitt Bf 109
Modelling Manuals 17 |
US Price: $17.95
UK Price: £12.99
Osprey Publishing
Publish Date:
January 25, 2002
Details: 64 pages; ISBN: 1841762652 |
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2004 by Chris Sherland except where
Page Created 19 August, 2004
Last Updated 24 December, 2007
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