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Irish Air Corps
Avro Anson, DH-9, EC-135



Max Decals, 1/48 scale



Catalogue Number:



 1/48 (also available in 1/72; and 1/32 for EC-135)

Contents and Media:

Waterslide decals for six aircraft plus profiles, instructions and notes


£5.96 available from Hannants and other specialist retailers.

Review Type:



Decals conform to surface details, great markings for a “Small Air Force”.


Opaqueness of the white


Highly Recommended

Reviewed by Steven "Modeldad" Eisenman

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron




As if there are not enough great marking that come with Classic Airframes’ Anson kits, Max Decals of Ireland has just released a set of decals for three Ansons of the Irish Air Corp.  For the indecisive amongst us, this could result in decision melt down. Or is that indecision melt down? 

The first set is for an early Anson in the unusual scheme of light to medium green fuselage and nacelles with silver flying surfaces and highly polished natural metal cowlings.  The green has been the subject of much debate. It has been suggested that perhaps RAF Light Green, used in counter-shading, was applied. Max Decals indicates that it was similar to RAF Interior Green. 

The other two markings are for late model Ansons in RAF Dark Green and Dark Earth with Black undersides. 

Even though all three Ansons had the turret, they may have been unarmed. 

This set of decals also provides markings for the Roden future release of the De Havilland DH9.  The markings are the same for two different aircraft, the primary difference being the red nose on the one marked D II.  Aircraft No. 7 was in a silver dope, while aircraft D II was either light grey or a silver dope.



There is a bonus set of decals for the Revell EC-135 helicopter in both 1/72 and 1/32 scale.  The aircraft’s color is overall matt dark green RAL 6031.  The instructions indicated that some kit-bashing will be required for the wire cutter and skids. 

The decals are printed by Microscale.  My test wing showed that the decals are quite thin and respond well to the use of Micro-Sol and Micro-Set and snuggled down into the fine details. 



The only issue that I encountered is that the white may not be sufficiently opaque.  The result is that one may see the camouflage division on the Dark Green and Dark Earth Ansons.  One may want to mask and paint the areas where the wing stripes and fuselage squares are to go with a base of white paint. 





This is quite nice set of decals from Max Decals, and the early Anson would make for a striking model.  Even if you do not do the Ansons, the stripes can be used for other IAC aircraft. 

Highly Recommended.

Thanks to Joe Maxwell of Max Decals for the sample..

Review Copyright © 2007 by Steven "Modeldad" Eisenman
This Page Created on 01 May, 2007
Last updated 04 June, 2007

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