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Models at the IPMS UK Nationals

by Jon Freeman



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Here is a small selection of photographs of models at the IPMS UK Nationals last weekend.

Unfortunately I couldn’t get a better range of pics due to the organisers wanting to judge so 20 mins is all I got


Competition Captions

1.      Most likely the Eduard 48th Airacobra in RAF markings. 

2.      Probably the Aeroclub 48th Be2c, the linen effect was quite stunning. 

3.      Bf108 Taifun in Hungarian markings very nicely done! 

4.      Fw190 F-8 with what I am presuming is the FM or Aires engine detailing set…talk about wow factor!

5.      Another Fw190 F-8 getting the same treatment with probably the same sets…these modellers need therapy!J J;);)

6.      Oh I do like PR RAF subjects and this just caught my eye! PRU Hudson probably made from the Academy 72nd kit..look at that camo!

7.      72nd Tony with a myriad of panels opened most of them not really necessary but it showed off the great patience and skill of this 72nd modeller nicely!

8.      Me410’s always crop up at the UK Nats at some point and with a finish like this no wonder..Don’t you just hate good modellers!JJJ;)

9.      First thing that caught my eye was this stonker of a kit build..32nd SAAF Sabre with day glo markings and a bare metal foil finish WOW!

10. Umm grey FAA subjects with Day-Glo markings will always draw me close and what a beut!..Probably made from the old Frog 72nd kit no doubt.

11. A few months back on HS I got asked why we didn’t produce Aeromasters Spad XIII decal sheets in 32nd scale..Well if modellers can produce this standard from the basic kit then do we really need to??

12. I saw this 48th Su-22 and was so impressed I bought the company…er no not really but it did prompt me into buying the Trumpeter kit later that day believe me!

13. Now I’m not a great fan of French A/C but this 48th Hi-Tech kit really was well produced and looked quite big against the other 48th entries in scale.

14. And last of all to all you FAA Walrus lovers a great CA kit done, as the ever-popular A/C aboard HMS Ameer and the colour scheme was accurate too!



Competition Images


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Model, Images and Text Copyright © 2002 by Jon Freeman
Page Created 17 November, 2002
Last Updated 07 December, 2002

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