F4U-1A Corsair
by H. Ufuk Aydiner
Chance-Vought F4U-1A
Corsair |
Tamiya's 1/48 scale F4U-1A Corsair is
available online from
Here is Tamiya's 1/48 scale
F4U-1A Corsair built straight from the box in around 9 hours.
3 hours was basic construction
and the rest was painting and weathering.
Painting and weathering followed
the following steps:
interior green
airbrushed on the cocpit parts, then freehand airbrushed black areas..( incl.
tires, engine and prop)
drybrushed silver
on front panel, then weathered all interior parts.
assembly of
fuselage then wings using tamiya fine cement overall sanding.. no need to putty.
5- masking canopy
with BareMetal. and glued to its place this five steps took only 3 hours
airbrushed all
plane incl landing struts with tamiya enamel flat aluminium
masked some areas
with rubber eraser
airbrushed all
plane with interior green ( pactra )
masked few more
areas with same material
airbrushed all
plane with aeromaster navy blue
removing rubber
sanding all plane
with grid 1200 sandpaper.. this shows metal surface under paints
airbrushed all
white markings
coated with X-22
then kill markings ( only decal Ive used)
again another
coat of X-22
oil washed
overall mate cote
( with high pressure testors' matt varnish thinned 60/40 gives dusty look)
applying gunze
smoke ( low pressure 50/50 to panels, high pressure 30(smoke)/70 at upper
fuselage for fuel leaks)
floquil dust at underside
paint brushed
dirt and mud from floquil to wheels and underside of drop tanks
paint brushed
rust from floquil again at underside of cowling
painting details
( lamps etc)
chipping touch
ups with tamiya silver
removing canopy
masks the gluing canopy to open position
gluing landing
gears and doors to its places
made antenna wire
from fishing line
41- installed
propeller afert painting yellow tips
These above steps took 6 hours
in total.
Now I have a very heavily
weathered Corsair!
Click the thumbnails below
to view larger images:
Model and Text Copyright © 2001 by
H. Ufuk Aydiner
Page Created 06 November, 2001
Last Updated 06 November, 2001
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