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North American B-25D

by Eli Raphael


North American B-25D Mitchell


Accurate Miniatures 1/48 scale B-25D is available online at Squadron.com




Here is Accurate Miniatures' 1/48 scale North American B-25 D Mitchell, representing the aicraft flown in 1943 by Maj. Ralph Cheli on his Medal of Honor mission.



While leading a bombing and strafing the Dagua airfield, New Guinea, Cheli's aircraft was hit several miles from the target, his plane catching fire. 



Realizing that if he left formation and climbed to safe parachuting his whole squadron would be disorganized, he continued his attack, later ditching into the sea.



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Model, Text and Images Copyright © 2001 by Eli Raphael
Page Created 16 April, 2001
Last Updated 06 September, 2001

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