FGR.1 Phantom II
Mike Kean

FGR.1 Phantom II |

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I am not going to get into a
history lesson on the McDonnell-Douglas famous F-4 Phantom II.
Anyone with even a slight interest in military aviation will
probably have some knowledge of this aircraft. However, since I have
never seen this aircraft in real life (yet - I live in hope), I can
best sum it up like this:
“A machine comes on a practice diversion to our timid training
command airfield. We all tumble to watch it go round the pattern. It
cruises through the circuit in and our, trailing long plumes of
smoke from its smoky engines.
The pilot bends it around the
sky in a startling display of reverberating thunder. Our trainers
are also in the air, but they are minute in comparison and they are
silent compared to the muted thunder of this beast. Its great bulk
is full of menace, threatening; indeed the trainers are forced to
climb out of the way because it overhauls them rapidly in the
pattern. To me, it looks evil and brutal , a bull shark entering a
pool full of minnows and pilot fish, a dreadnought battle cruiser
surrounded by trawlers.

It departs suddenly, in an
appropriately spectacular fashion , accelerating vividly around the
finals turn , blasting past over our heads with its tail on fire and
then pulling up to punch a hole through the clouds , its bulk
belying its speed . When its gone , the trainers drop back into the
pattern , fluttering down to buzz around the circuit , like
clockwork motors in comparison to the war machine that has just
departed . This makes the ultimate impression on me... “
I know what you are thinking , and yes , I copied this from a book
called "F-4 Phantom , A Pilot's Story" by Robert Prest I did
not have much knowledge of the British Phantoms , so I needed to
obtain a large amount of information about this aircraft as it
differed significantly from its American counterpart. The most
notable difference is the engines as the British used the Rolls
Royce Spey engine as opposed to the American J–79’s . Thus the
intakes were a little bigger on the British ones as well.
is Hasegawa's 1/48 scale FGR.1 Phantom II kit in 1/48 scale
The kit is presented in Hasegawa's typical quality with engraved
panel lines and very few fit problems. The kit comes with rubber
tires and metal rims.
The model was built basically out
of the box with the exception of the scratch built missile covers.
The cockpit has all raised details
so a good paint job with the combination of dry brushing is
certainly pleasing to the eye.
I wasn’t too fond of the seats
supplied with the kit so I used True Details seats for this project. |