This is the ubiquitous Monogram 1/48th
scale F-18 Hornet, finished as a Spanish Air Force Hornet as used over
Bosnia. This was inspired by some excellent photos sent to me by Mark A
Sindiong (see below).

It started out life as the Blue Angels boxing which I picked up cheap
from a club member.
The weapon loading is slightly unusual
asymmetrical one – the port inner pylon has a laser-guided bomb on it,
while the Starboard wing has a drop tank. The HARM missiles came from
the Testors F-18, with some subtle filing around the nose to correct the
shape. The pylons also came in for the filing treatment, to get them
closer to the correct shape.

The only additions to the model are lead
foil harnesses, the LEX fences, and some photo-etch mirrors left over
from an earlier project.
Paints used were Model-Master and Humbrol.
I had some Spanish roundels in my spares
box, but no stencils and warnings; these were produced using MS
Publisher and laser printed onto decal film. The “slime strips” are not
included with the kit, these were made from an old Hasegawa Me 109 (or
is it Bf109?!) white tail band that had gone yellow with age.

Weathering was carried out using
water-colour washes and pastel chalks.
For all the kits faults, I really enjoyed
this project, even though the finished article has a few mistakes (see
if you can spot them!)
This project would have been far more difficult without the help of
HyperScalers Al Petrie who generously supplied the underwing stores, and
Mark A Sindiong who sent me the photos, not to mention all the others
who answered my questions – thank you!
Model and Images Copyright © 2002 by
Mike Aldridge
Images Copyright © 2002 by David Roberts
except Reference Image Copyright © 2002 by Mark A Sindiong.
Page Created 17 October, 2002