Mitsubishi Ki-46 III Dinah
by Ian Robertson
Dinah |

1/48 scale Dinah is available online at
This is the reconnaissance version of Tamiya's 1/48 Ki-46 Dinah.
The additions I
made to the kit included etched metal seatbelts, brake lines, and a few
scratch built cockpit details (e.g., oxygen hose; various levers,
switches and wires; loop antenna). I also added my own wing tip lights
by cutting out the appropriate sections of the wing tips, gluing melted
blobs of clear styrene (cut roughly to the correct shape) into place
using CA glue, sanding them flush to the wing and then polishing until
The cockpit was painted with Polly Scale "Weyerhauser Green" (a model
railroad color), which is a close match to AeroMaster's Nakajima
interior green. After painting and masking the yellow recognition bands
on the leading edge of the wings, the exterior of the model was painted
with SnJ aluminum. Once the metalizer dried, the underside of the model
was painted with Tamiya "IJA Grey" acrylic, while the upper surface was
painted Tamiya "IJA Green" acrylic. Abrasions to the paint were
simulated using fine sandpaper to expose the natural metal finish,
particularly on the engine nacelles. The propellers and spinners were
painted red-brown using Polly Scale acrylic. Decals are a combination of
Tamiya and Aeromaster.
The Tamiya Ki-46 is a nice kit, although it is a shame that the forward
cockpit cannot be easily opened due to the thickness of the clear parts.
For those wanting an open canopy, a vacuform replacement can be found in
Falcon's IJAAF clear-vax canopy kit.
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Text, Images and Model Copyright © 2002 by
Ian Robertson
Page Created 05 January, 2002
Last Updated
04 June, 2007
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