Messerschmitt Me 410A-1 by Larry Goodell
Here is the ProModeler 1/48 scale Messerschmitt Me410B kit back dated to an Me410A-1. This was a particularly simple conversion. I just filled the 20mm cannon ports in the bomb bay.
The aircraft should most likely carry two ETC 50 bomb racks under each wingroot inboard of the engines but I couldn't scrounge any up from all my extra parts or buddies. There were no extras added to the cockpit area except for etched belts and stretched sprue canopy door supports. This is a fun kit to build until you get to the canopy. The construction sequence is clever and, I presume, a nessessary molding step - but definately not easy. Even after trimming the gunsights and such I still had to sit on it and spot tack with superglue til it would stay down by itself. Following this dramatic action, I still had to fill in around the edges with white glue. If the glue ever fails I don't want to be in the same room. The word "flubber" comes to mind!
In most other respects this is a great fitting kit and goes together rather quickly. The model is finished in AeroMaster paint and decals. I really liked that wolf's head insignia so I just had to convert the model to the 410A-1 variant.
Model, Text and Images Copyright © 2000 by Larry