Hawk One Canada CF-101B Voodoo by Geoff McDonell
The Revell F-101B Voodoo kit in 1/72 scale was used as the basis for the model. The decals were provided by Microscale sheet 72 - 472 along with some miscellaneous stencilling from spare decal sheets in my "parts bins".
I built the model pretty well straight out of the box but had to shave and sand off the formation light strips to suit the Canadian Voodoo configuration. I also chose to assemble the flaps in the closed position for a clean aircraft appearance and these required some persuasion and modification to fit.
The light blue was mixed using Testors 1108 Blue enamel in a 1 part blue to 2 parts white approximate mix. I found this colour to be quite transparent and it needed a few coats to get a good solid, even coverage of colour. The fine surface details on the excellent Revell kit got a bit obscured by this, but by highlighting the panel lines with a pencil before the final clear coat, a realistic finish was achieved.
I photocopied the decal sheet in order to cut out the demarcation line between the blue and black colours and sprayed on Testors gloss black enamel. Once the two basic colours were dry, I masked off and sprayed the flat black anti-glare panel. The wheel wells were finished with interior green with red inner gear door faces to match photos in my files.
The decals went on without any problem, but I found the blue rudder stripes were quite transparent and in spite of applying two decals on top of each other, still appear too dark for my tastes. Three coats of Future sealed the decals onto the model and provided that nice "Airshow clean" finish. Yellow decal stripes and a graphite rubbed silver decal stripe finished off the canopy framing and the nose radome separation joint. The rear fuselage and tail pipes were sprayed with Metalizer Titanium which was rubbed out with a combination of SNJ powder and pencil graphite dust to get the metallic tones similar to the actual aircraft.
This was an enjoyable "quick build". The only thing I'd do differently would be to lay down a coat of white primer where the light blue paint was going to go.
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