by David Anderson
Probably one of the most photographed operational Doras to date, this Focke-Wulf 190D-9 is believed to have been flown by Lt. Heinz Sachsenberg of the Whrger-Staffel (Sachsenberg-Schwarm), JV44. Red 1, W.Nr. 600424 displays red paint and white recognition stripes on the aircraft's underside to permit fast recognition by German flak crews who were notoriously trigger-happy during the closing stages of the war (these aircraft were assigned the task of protecting the Me 262 from marauding Allied fighters during take-offs and landings).
The inscription on the fuselage below the cockpit, translates (in Bavarian dialect) as "Sell my clothes I'm going to heaven".
I used Tamiya's 1/48 scale Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-9 and modified it with FM Details Fw 190D-9 engine set. An earlier version of this set was offered for the Dragon Dora by the same company, but I believe this is no longer available. Unlike many aftermarket engine sets available, FM Details really hold their own in the areas of detail, fit, scale thickness and good instructions. An overall high quality product. Price also compares with most other aftermarket engine sets.
Apart from replacing the kit wheels with True Details Fw 190D-9 wheels, installing Verlinden's tailwheel adjustment housing (taken out of Verlinden's D-9 super detail set) and Eduard etchmetal D-9 cockpit detail, no other aftermarket products were used.
The plane was painted with a combination of acrylics and enamels. Experten Decals "History, Camouflage and Markings of JV 44 and JG 6 Focke-Wulf 190 D-9's" were used before weathering the model with acrylic and oil washes, some dry brushing and a little pastel to give it that final touch.
Click the thumbnails below to view
images full-sized.
J. Richard Smith &
Eddie J. Creek (1986):
“Monogram Close-Up 10.
Fw 190D”, Monogram
Aviation Publications. 2. David E. Brown and David Wadman
(1993): “Experten Decals History, Camouflage and Markings of JV44 and JG 6
Focke-Wulf 190D-9's 3.
E. Brown Ryle and Malcolm Laing (1997): “Walk Around Fw 190D”, Squadron /
Signal Publications. 4.
Thank you to Craig Chidley for his help and advise.
Model, Text and Photographs Copyright © 1999 by
David Anderson