Dornier Do 335A-0 by Steve Mesner
Before all the Tamiya Do 335s start pouring in to HyperScale, I thought I’d dig out my old Monogram for one last outing. Please pardon the missing pitot tube and damaged DF loop. The model was built around 1978 and these things happen over the decades.
The model was built to represent Werk Nr. 240102, the only surviving Do 335, as it sat at Patuxtent Naval Air Station in 1947, its evaluation by the U.S. over and its deterioration already beginning. The real airplane was restored by Dornier in the mid 1970s and is today I believe back in the U.S. I began by building the model right out of the box, applying factory fresh paint and all factory and Luftwaffe markings from kit decals. I used Humbrol paints. I cannot remember the exact colors but I tried to match as closely as possible the color photos of the restored Werk Nr. 240102 that appeared in an issue of Airpower/Wings.
Next, I airbrushed out all the German markings using a thin enough coat of Pactra Olive Drab to allow some of the decal to show through. The model was then final clearcoated and then flatcoated. Finally, U.S. stars-and-bars from the spares box were applied. I hand-painted over these in blue and white, as the real U.S. markings were somewhat crudely applied. Weathering is simple, just some engine oil staining around the lower cowling panel lines, and some “chipping” by means of Rub N Buff daubed on with a stiff brush. (I figured that American technicians would have walked all over the airplane). White from the fuselage stars-and-bars was streaked down the aircraft sides a bit. The rear engine access panel on the left side was deliberately left ajar, as is seen in period photos of the real aircraft. The only deviation from straight out-of-the-box was to leave off the rear spinner, as this was missing in my reference photos.
Over the last 20 years I have dusted this model occasionally but have never washed it, which helps add to its “abandoned” look--note the frosted look to the canopy from the years of atmospheric grime. The flatcoat I used--Archer’s, IIRC--has yellowed badly over the decades, giving the impression that the undersides of the model are painted in RLM 84 “sky green,” or whatever it’s being called these days. The LG doors went on after the flatcoat and so retain their original light blue-gray. (Notice that I’m not committing to saying that it’s 65 or 76!)
When taking these photos, I’ve tried to duplicate the poses and angles of the pictures of the real airplane as seen in the Aero book on the Do 335. Many of them have also been published elsewhere as well. The old Monogram Do 335 kit still stands fairly tall, even by today’s standards. If the new Tamiya is better in any way, it must be superb!
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2000 by Steve Mesner