C-47 by
Vern Gwin
I don't know where to start describing the construction. Someone said I was crazy to even attempt this but I had been toying with the idea for a while. Building started on Boxing Day 1997 and the model was completed mid-April 1998. This
required about 8-10 hours each weekend and 2-4 hours each night. Surprisingly, I managed
to stay married during this project! Balsa, brass, aluminum, resin, sheet plastic, epoxy, green and white putty and CA glue are all included in the materials list.
Cargo Cabin
Window were cut individually from polycarbonate. Wing tip lights were sourced from
model railroad jewels and the landing lights were taken from the handle of a plastic
toothbrush. Engines
Engine nacelles have open flaps and exhaust made from brass. Landing Gear
I applied several coat of Johnsons' "Future" before painting the colours to assure a smooth surface. All paints used were Gunze.
De-ice boots and invasion stripes were masked and painted. All decals were hand cut. The nose art was custom printed on to decal paper and the nose art lettering was painted by my wife onto decal paper also.
Would I do it again? Yes. Am I going to do it again? Yes. A B-24 and B-17 are already in the planning stages!
Article, Model and Images Copyright © 1999 by Vern Gwin