Macchi C.205 Veltro by Franck Oudin
This is Hasegawa's 1/48 Macchi C.205 "Veltro" finished in late-war ANR colors.
I used the Jaguar resin interior and wheel well set to enhance Hasegawa's kit.
The interior was painted using Gunze H-321+10 % white with small details picked out using a fine paintbrush. The wheel well received similar treatment. A wash and light dry-brushing was also applied to the wheel well after painting. I cut two small metal grill disks to put inside the both air intake. The wheel bay was reinforced with thin plasticard, but the rest of the construction was very straightforward. The model was very simple and pleasant to build.
When the model was ready to be painted I sprayed two thin layers of Gunze H-8 Aluminium as a base coat, followed by RLM 76. This lower surface colour was a mixture of Gunze H-314 blue FS35622+H-67 RLM 65 at 30%. After the blue colour had dried I sprayed Gunze H-69 RLM 75 and let it cure well. Next step was to mask and spray the Gunze H-68 RLM 74. When this was finished I started again with the RLM 75 for the top fuselage, then again to RLM 74 for the mottling on the fuselage sides. To achieve the subtle mottling effect I diluted the paint up to 90% and lowered the air flow to 0.5 bar. I sprayed very gently!
After this delicate exercise, the model received 2 good layers of clear gloss coat, then all the smaller details were painted including the wheels, landing gear, canopy and so forth. At this stage I applied a wash on the panels lines, with thinned enamel paint. I had the Hasegawa decals from the kit and the Aeromaster sheet 48-190 for the Veltro. I can assure you that both sheet are wrong because they both mention white insignia on the top of the wings. In fact they were black. When my aircraft was finished I sent some pictures to Ferdinando d'Amico who told me that my model was wrong, so I had to remove the decals! I used a piece of magic scotch tape to easily lift the incorrect decals off the model. In the meantime I retouched the paint by adding some irregular clouds on my mottling.
As final touch I sprayed a coat of matt varnish and post shaded with some very diluted Gunze H-85 "Sail Color". I would like to specially thank Ferdinando D'Amico for his help and all his knowledge about the ANR and their aircraft. Thanks too to my friends Phillipo Rossetti and Mike Powlen for their help. I used the very good book by Maurizio di Terlizzi on the Macchi 205 Veltro. I can assure you that this is a great reference for such a project.
The following reference images and information are supplied courtesy of Ferdinando D'Amico:
In addition to the incorrect white fasces on the wing upper surface, the Hasegawa kit also provides the fuselage codes in the wrong order. The photographs below of the right side of "7-1" and the one showing both sides of "3-3" indicate the correct order for the code colours. You will notice that the planes are showing the individual aircraft number first (coloured) and then the Squadriglia (white) number on both sides . The order of the code has been "reversed" on the starboard side of the aircraft in the decals supplied with the Hasegawa model and (apparently) on Aeromaster's, so that the codes on that side appears with the Squadriglia first and individual last. This applied only to the first ANR Macchi C.205 which was painted in 74/75/76 colours The code of this aircraft was "18-1". That plane was unique, having white fasces over the wings and the codes applied specularly on both sides (so that on the right, it appeared as "1-18"). Unfortunately this aircraft was the subject of a widely known photographic session. This led to the incorrect assumption that all C.205s had similar markings. In reality, no other C.205 did show such markings and the "specular" codes, and all the other C.205s were finished in the way shown by the photographs below.
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Model, Text and Photographs Copyright ©
2000 by
Franck Oudin