Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6 by Larry Goodell
Returning to scale modeling in 1991 after not having built a kit in about 16 years, I was astounded at the mesmerizing gobs of models and accessories available to the modeller and his wallet. Rejoining IPMS Jax, I soon found myself back in the thick of things and wanting to build up a 109 with detail other than kit supplied.
Kit prices were quite above what I was accustom to and searching the hobby stores produced Hobby Craft's 1/48 Bf 109G kit available in my price range - $12.50. I was turned on to AeroMaster paint (unbelievalbe - premixed German colors) and decals. I also found a little True Details photo-etch for the old Revell kit and went to town.
The subject is Feldwebel Heinrich Bartel's "Red 13" Bf 109G-6/R6 11.JG/27, Kalamaki, Greece, circa September, 1943. I cut the kit rudder away and replaced it with the one out of a Fujimi Bf 109K-4 kit I found at an "as is" bargain table along with the extra tailplanes and cannon gondola from said kit. The cannon are hypodermic needles. I added the photo-etch parts, scratch built the rest of the interior items and finished up with solder brake lines. A minor feat compared to later efforts, but to me at that moment - I had just scaled Mt. Everest! The model gave me the honor of placing 1st at the JAXCON 97 IPMS REGION 11 CONVENTION. Yes, I was surprised, as there was some fine workmanship displayed there. Model, Text and Images Copyright © 2000 by Larry