Eduard has just released a range of accessories for the recent 1:48 scale Bronco / Hobby 2000 MiG-15 and MiG-15bis.
Although they are all labelled MiG-15, they will also be appropriate for the improved MiG-15bis version.

The modeller is offered the option of 3D printed parts from Eduard's new Space range, or the almost traditional pre-painted colour photo-etch - the choice is yours!
3DL48013 - MiG-15 Space for Bronco / Hobby 2000 kit
This is the first opportunity I have had to see and use Eduard's new 3D printed Space range.

The Space set comprises 3D printed decals for the instrument panel and various consoles, plus photo-etched parts for the harness straps, seat structure and other details.

I decided to use the Space set on my Bronco 1/48 scale MiG-15bis and I was delighted with the results.

The first task is to remove raised details from the side consoles. I scraped the raised plastic with a hobby knife and tidied it up with a sanding stick.

Next, I prepared the photo-etched parts for the ejector seat and cut the top of the back cushion and headrest as directed by the instructions.

The plastic and photo-etched parts of the seat were now assembled.

It was time to paint up the kit parts and the assembled seat. The kit instructions suggest grey. I decided to use Gunze's acrylic H70 RLM 02 Grey.

The seat backrest was painted dark brown. The painted parts were now treated to a dark wash made up from 50% water, 50% Future floor polish and a few drops of a dark black-brown colour from Vallejo's acrylic range.

Details were picked out with Vallejo acrylics and lacquer metallic paints. The cockpit parts were now given a sealing coat of Winsor & Newton Galeria Flat Varnish.

The 3D decals were added now. I found that the 3D decals barely needed to be wet at all before they would slide - or sometimes fall - off the backing sheet.

I used Gator’s Grip acrylic glue to secure the 3D printed decals to the plastic kit parts. The instrument panel looks grainy under extreme magnification and the harsh lights of my studio strobes but it looks great in real life and actual size!

The photo-etched harness was now glued to the seat.

The cockpit floor was glued to the bottom nose fuselage panel and the starboard sidewall was test fitted.

The port sidewall test fitted. So far, so good.

The busy completed cockpit tub with 3D printed and photo-etched parts in place - nose weights too!

I was very pleased with the combination of 3D printed parts and photo-etch in this new Space set.
For what you get I think USD$14.95 represents good value too.
FE1161 - Eduard Zoom MiG-15 for Bronco / Hobby 2000 kit
If you prefer colour photo-etch for your instrument panel and side consoles you are in luck!

Even the entry-level Zoom series offers super detail with one colour photo-etched fret providing detail focused on the cockpit.

Specifically, the set includes a new multi-part coloured instrument panel, side consoles, handles, guards, swithces, knobs and more.
In my opinion this represent good value.
This is a compact but noticeable update to Bronco's recent 1/48 scale MiG-15 and MiG-15bis.
EX762 Masks MiG-15 for the Bronco / Hobby 2000 kit

Die-cut, self-adhesive masks for the canopy, wheels, lights and the tricky little structure behind the pilot's head that requires eight tiny wedges!

These represent a fast and accurate solution for a time consuming and often disliked modelling task.
The use of the Space or the Zoom photo-etched sets will result in a noticeably better detailed MiG-15 cockpit.
The masks will save you a lot of time and add sharp precision to the clear parts too!
These are very useful upgrades for your Bronco 1/48 scale MiG-15
Thanks to Eduard for the review samples
Text and Images Copyright © 2021 by Brett Green
Page Created 5 May, 2021
Last updated
5 May, 2021
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