SBD-3 Dauntless
Coral Sea

Brengun, 1/144 scale
Reviewed by Graham Carter
This Czech company continues to produce splendid models in both 1/72 and 1/144 at an impressive rate and this one follows the lead set with others.
An end-opening box, which is quite strong due to its small size, has a nice CAD illustration on the top and colour profiles of the four decal choices on the rear. Inside the zip-lock bag are two mid-grey sprues , one transparency, decals and a double-sided A5 instruction sheet covering the six construction steps . All colours are indicated in each stage using numbered generic names but no specific colour names or suggested manufacturers products.

Parts are nicely moulded with very fine panel lines and surface details. There is no interior detail apart from a floor and two seats so the super-detailer can really go to town. There are two provided cowlings but only part 5 is needed for this variant. Flying surfaces are single pieces and training edges are commendably thin. Drilling out the dive-brake holes will be labour of love.

The canopy is a single piece and understandably over-thick in this scale and cannot be posed open. I’m sure Brengun will produce a vacform version for this kit as they have with other 1/144 kits.

The decal sheet appears to have good density, colour and register.

The four choices covered are:
5-12 of VS-2 on USS Lexington, Coral Sea, 8/5/1942,
10 of CV-5 on USS Yorktown, Coral Sea, 8/5/1942,
- 84 of CV-6 on USS Enterprise , Wake Is, 24/2/1942.
All of these are in Intermediate blue grey over pale grey.
- 2-S-9 of VS-3 NRAB California 30/9/1941 in an experimental sea green over pale grey scheme.
Brengun's 1/144 scale Dauntless is an excellent little kit of an important US naval aircraft that will appeal to the ‘tiny scale' naval aircraft modeller.
Thanks to Brengun for the review sample.
Review Text and Images Copyright © 2020 by Graham Carter
Page Created 23 September, 2020
Last updated
23 September, 2020
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