Operation Torch Part 3

Blackbird Models, 1/72 scale
Reviewed by Graham Carter

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Here is another decal sheet from Blackbird Models. This one is Item No. BDM72030 - Operation Torch Part 3.
These three choices are referenced to the Airfile title of the same name by Neil Robinson, and are as follows;
- Hurricane IIc HV817 , FT-C of 43 Sqn in Algeria , 1942 in DE/MS over Azure Blue with a red spinner. This a/c had a tropical filter under the nose. Note that the codes would read FT-C on the port side and C-FT on the starboard fuselage.
The following pair had the US star markings adopted during this campaign for all aircraft.
Seafire Ib MB366 / K of 801 NAS from HMS Furious November 1942 in the Temperate Sea Scheme of DSG/EDSG over Sky with a white spinner. I would expect the letter ‘C’ to be rear of the roundel on the port fuselage side.
Grumman Martlet IV FN104, C-6 of 882 NAS on HMS Victorious in November 1942 in the same finish as the Seafire.
Notes on how to apply the decals show a wry sense of humour, hence they begin with “OK, you’ve probably built plenty of models and this is teaching you to suck eggs, but for those of you who haven’t used aftermarket decals before, here goes!”

The downside is that each choice is only illustrated by a single side view and no indication is given of the decal placement on the upper or lower surfaces or on the other side of the aeroplane.
This is a nice decal set with interesting markings that will appeal to RAF and Operation Torch fans.
Thanks to Blackbird Models for the sample.
Review Text Copyright © 2019 by Graham Carter
Page Created 29 July, 2019
Last updated
9 August, 2019
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