Roden's 1/72 scale
Junkers D.I
Long Fuselage Version
by Andrea Brenco

Junkers D.I Long Fuselage Version |

Eduard's 1/48 Fokker D.VII ProfiPACK is available online from
Hi, my name is Andrea Brenco and live in Italy.
I build only 1/72 models, mainly from WWII Luftwaffe or WWI Imperial German aviation.
I love Roden's kits because you can feel the passion of their work behind them, hope they could sooner or later find a way to put decent decals in their boxes.

This is the Junkers D.1 long fuselage version, built as J9/1, the first prototype to enter the Second Fighter Competition in June 1918.
I used most of the kit's parts for the cockpit and the engine, and scratchbuild some frame, wiring and piping. The fit of the kit's parts was good, just need to dryfit more often then others brand. The corrugation of the parts is lovely executed, and the trailing edges are really in scale!
I decided to saw the wings apart and show the model in a little diorama, after having been inspired by WNW 1/32 instruction booklet.

Painting was done with Tamiya Flat alluminium with few white drops and Gunze Clear, sprayed in very thin and diluted layers over a coat of Mr. Surfacer 1000 with some black freehand pre-shading on it.
After a clear coat, i started decaling with two Roden's Balkan Kreuz on the fuselage... after a couple of ours of fierce fighting they settle down, but with lots of cracking and silvering, that I had to deal with them for another couple of ours...
The other markings came from an old Almark generic set, printed on a continuos decal film: I'm lazy and cut just a square around them, leaving plenty of clear decal, but surprisingly all went well with just a few spots needing attention after.
I airbrushed some final coats of Mr. Hobby flat clear, did just a hint of oil washing in selected places and brush painted some parts with clear, to give more the impression of different kind of alluminium sheet.
Hope you like it.
Model, Images and Text Copyright ©
2019 by Andrea Brenco
Page Created 5 March, 2018
Last Updated
5 March, 2019
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