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Aluminium Alloy Scale


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Catalogue Number, Descriotion and Price:

Aluminium Alloy Scale
Catalogue # AT-AS
Available from Breveco Modelling for €16,50

Contents and Media: See description and images below.
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Sturdy construction; simple idea; very useful addition to any modeller's bench.
Conclusion: This is another excellent tool that is superbly engineered and beautifully made.

Reviewed by James Hatch

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For the last of my current batch of reviews of DSPIAE tools, we look at their new Aluminium Alloy Scale, or in simple parlance, ‘scale rule’. Scale rules have all sort of incredibly useful applications in any part of our hobby where we are looking at measuring things in particular scale quantities. The new DSPIAE tool is packaged into a robust cardboard tube with an end-opening cap. Gone is the Aztec-style décor here, but the all-black tube does have a little décor that shows the end profile of the scale rule, plus the scales listed that it is marked in. These are 1/144, 1/100, 1/72, 1/48, 1/35 and 1/24.



Opening the tube up and sliding out the end cap reveals the familiar red anodising of the DSPIAE range, with the star-like profile of the rule inserted into a foam block within the cap to protect it. An identical foam block protects the opposite end of the rule, down within the tube. The rule itself measures 32cm and has a good weight to it that should make its use a breeze. If it was too light, I’d perhaps find it a little nondescript, but this has a good weighty feel that is reassuring. Also of note is that each scale isn’t printed right up to the edge, which is good in case you were to accidentally damage the end of the rule. DSPIAE has also removed the corners from the rule, so you won’t cut or stab yourself!


  • DSPIAE Aluminium Alloy Scale Review by James Hatch: Image
  • DSPIAE Aluminium Alloy Scale Review by James Hatch: Image
  • DSPIAE Aluminium Alloy Scale Review by James Hatch: Image
  • DSPIAE Aluminium Alloy Scale Review by James Hatch: Image
  • DSPIAE Aluminium Alloy Scale Review by James Hatch: Image
  • DSPIAE Aluminium Alloy Scale Review by James Hatch: Image
  • DSPIAE Aluminium Alloy Scale Review by James Hatch: Image
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This rule has been designed with that profile so as to accommodate the six scales mentioned above, and these are neatly printed on these in fine white lines with the accompanying scale easy to note. Each scale is broken down into 1 metre equivalences, with each metre again subdivided into 10 parts (10cm equivalences). In some cases, this is split down even further.





This is another excellent tool that is superbly engineered and beautifully made. If I had only one question, it would be the lack of the popular 1/32 scale. Maybe this should have replaced 1/100 or 1/24. However, if you are in the market for a scale rule that is catered for by that this product offers, then I doubt you’d fine anything as good as this.

Thanks to Breveco Modelling for the sample

Page Created 10 August, 2018
Last updated 10 August, 2018

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